why is it when you have your house clean...
or your office is all in order...
you dress really cute.....
hair and make up done...
no one ever comes by....
but if your house....or office...
is a wreck....
you look a wreck.....
people you haven't seen in forever....
show up....
I was a mess...
hair in braids...
that have little fly away's every where...
(hair sticking out)
no make up...
dirty feet from being outside with Hotrod...
my office a wreck....
my patio a wreck...
just finished lunch...
most likely with spinach in my teeth...
Hubby calls out...come here...
So and So and wife are here....
they both look fresh as daisy's....
we all look a mess...
Hubbies dripping sweat..
he just got back to the office from working...
as I'm talking to them...
all I see is dust bunnies...toys everywhere...
my dirty feet...just imagining the mess I look...
well I guess when you show up unannounced...
you get what you get....
Just once...I wish someone would show up...
unannounced...when everything looks great....