Sunday, August 11, 2013

 I actually got to sleep in until 7:15 this morning....
even went to bed at 10:00 last night...
a much needed rest....
 Saturday was spent doing chores around the house...
not fun stuff...
I had dish pan hands by the end of the day....
this was done in between answering phone calls...
can't be without air conditioning in the Texas heat...
 Hotrod came over for a little while last night...
so his Daddy could run a service call...
we filled up the pool..
all of us got in.....including Pawpaw...Rooster...
Ginger was the first in...
she had to make sure the water temp was just right...
she didn't get back in once we were all in...
she likes a pool all to herself...
 we are having family dinner tonight...
Hubby is boiling shrimp...with potatoes and corn on the cob...
Homemade ice cream for desert...
a little break before the new week starts...
 Hotrod has a way with the ladies...
he had C playing cars with him...
putting on a show for her....
at our photo shoot...
 he had to get in on the action at the photo shoot...
he is so used to be the star of the show...
with a camera in his face since he was born...
he was having a blast playing peekaboo in the sculpture...

 Don't worry...this was all part of the act...
she wanted photos with her Mom also...
Mom was not so happy about joining in...
which seems to be a trend amongst Moms...and Oma's...
I'm trying to change that...
I would much rather be behind the camera...
but I family wants me in them....
Hope you all have an amazing Sunday....


RoeH said...

I'm a terrible sport about being asked to have my picture taken. The Camera is not nice. I'm going to be sorry someday when I'm gone and my kids need pictures. I know how valuable ancestor photos are to me. Great post. The little guy is adorable!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love all those brilliant costumes and the horse rolling of course of course... and HR and his lady friends. the odd thing is, the women i know why fight the hardest to not get in a photo are the ones that look the best. like this mom, she is beautiful and i can't figure why they don't want the pic taken. i think maybe it is because when we look at ourselves we see what others see, not what we see in the mirror.

TexWisGirl said...

aww, her mom is beautiful, too.

Dolores said...

Wow, you have so many beautiful circus pictures, friend pictures and of course......Hot Rod pictures. He's growing up right before my very eyes...... so cute!!
Stay cool...

Michelle said...

Your Hotrod sounds like a wonderful, little man.

Linda said...

I love reading about your life. I guess I am the same way about my grand quads as you are about your Hotrod. I am always taking pictures. I even gave them my old 'little red camera' and I love it when they bring it to me so I can 'take their picture' with it! Your mom was the very first person I told about my daughter expecting quadruplets. I am planning to have a 'Celebrating FALL!' party this October and hope you and your mom can come. I will also be back to hosting my Christmas Tea Party this year. It's GOOD to be HOME!!!

Tanna said...

The shrimp boil family dinner sounds like heaven!! And, yes, Deb... you need to get in the pictures... I hate it too, but HRs children will want to know about their Great Oma (a perspective I had not considered until it was pointed out to me). blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope your dinner was yummy. Your time in the pool sounds like it was fun! Love the circus photos.

Judy said...

You got so many great shots of the circus!!