Saturday, August 3, 2013

 Today was a work day for me...
paper work...I have mounds of it...
I got quite a bit done today...
the phone only rang 1/2 as much as usual...
 tickets are purchased...and printed....
we are going to the Ringling Brothers Circus...
Hotrod doesn't know yet..
he's on a need to know basis....
I can't wait to watch the Circus...
The whole clan is going...
 Hotrod caught a big fat toad yesterday...
it is living under a bale of hay by the garden...
he just walked right up and snatched...
My Aunt found a box of family photos...
she has been emailing copies to everyone...
I love old family photos...
times have sure changed with photography....

all these beautiful roses came from my Mom's garden...
taken back at the beginning of July...
she sure has a way with roses...
I do too...but not a good way....
well I'm off to get a good night sleep...
gonna be a busy time at the Circus....


TexWisGirl said...

the roses are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous roses my way with roses is most likely worse than yours...I do very good at kill them. Can't wait to see what Hotrod thought about the circus. I remember the first time I went to the Ringling Brothers Circus. Hugs!

Linda said...

Amber and Mike received free tickets to the circus for all! They may be used anytime but I noticed A&M took the kids to the aquarium today! The circus will no be far behind!

Loved your mom's rose bushes, I am hoping I can get some advice from her pretty soon!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

can't wait for the Circus pics and stories... I have not been to one since my kids were little, and they are almost 50....beautiful roses. have fun today and i had to think when you said how photography has changed, so has buying tickets to the circus. we used to stand in line and pay as we went in, now buy and print... a big change

Judy said...

The third rose is my favourite - it just glows!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The roses are very pretty. How cool that Hotrod found the frog! I'm really excited to hear about the circus. Always something that young children need to see when they are in town.