Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dancing part 2..

The foxtrot was invented by Harry Fox in 1914

 A world record for the longest conga dance line was set by 119,986 people in Miami in 1988


Dancing is very beneficial to your health....
 It lowers the chances for heart and blood vessel diseases, improves posture and weight... reduces stress and tension... improves brain function because of constant presence of music.... can improve relationships between dance partners....

Dancing represents great physical exercise for  people of all ages... It can be safely practiced from the age of 2 to 102...
even if you think you have two left feet...
it doesn't matter...get up and dance.....

turn up the music...
let yourself go....
you will be happy you did...


Linda said...

My niece, Andie, has had many surgeries due to birth defects from being born prematurely. These have been for her eyes (now fine!) and her leg and foot. She has an amazing talent for DANCE and has overcome so many of the limitations due to her leg. If I can find the video of her talent shows I will send it to you. She does Michael Jackson songs.....last spring was 'Beat It.' I only know classical and country music but I love to watch Andie dance. I think we underestimate the value of DANCE!!!
Of course YOU know better!!! Lovely pictures!

TexWisGirl said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will get up and dance.. i will get up and dance... i will get up and dance.. see you made me want to dance..

Bev said...

I wish I could dance...we started lessons this spring...but they didn't last.... sigh

Janie said...

What, not safe at 103? :)
The girls sure are cute. Interesting facts about dance and dance steps.

Janie said...

What, not safe at 103? :)
The girls sure are cute. Interesting facts about dance and dance steps.