Friday, August 2, 2013

A little of this...a little of that....confession time...

I decided to put my other two blogs on vacation...
a big was getting to be a chore...
and I would feel guilty if I didn't post...
so you will be seeing the dogs on here...
 sometimes I will be posting Photos only...No Words...
blogging was getting to be too much...
not fun....and it's suppose to be fun....
the other day Hotrod and I watched Super Why...
a cute little show...that works on early reading skills..
the kids on the show were talking about what
they wanted to be when they grew up...
I asked Hotrod..."what do you want to be when you grow up?"
with out a minutes thought...
he said an Ice cream cone cooker Oma.....
no idea where he came up with this one....
we were at the Dollar store the other day...
we were checking out...he was standing next to me...
three teenagers walked up behind us...
they kept inching closer...
he turned around and told them...
you are standing too close to us...
I told him it was okay...
"They are not suppose to stand that close Oma..."
the teenagers didn't even pay attention...
the clerk laughed...
he's really big on rules right now..
it's all black and white....

this photo was taken with my cell phone...
I just brightened up a bit...
this was once a garden spot...
but the dogs wouldn't leave it alone...
so now it's their digging spot...
I filled it up with water...
for Hotrod a mud spot...
he had a blast...
Oma had to get in too...
gotta love mud between the toes.... clown hair... also taken with cell phone...helping me...
we were hanging glow in the dark stars and moons...
in Fort Hotrod....
I have to confess....
I have become a Face Book addict...
now that I can do it on my phone...
it is just way too tempting...
standing in line...waiting at the bank...
while Hubby is watching TV at night...
15 shows at the same time....
I'm trying to wean myself away....
too much tech time...not good.....
Hope you all have a great weekend...
no big plans for me...
hoping to get some relax time...
been a long...hard week....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would be right out in that mud with you, i love wading in mud puddles, i love the shot of the ball game with HR and R... that is why i don't post on my dog blog except once in a great while to much work.

TexWisGirl said...

well, i'll be happy to see the pups on here. since i made my rule about only following a single blog for each person, i know i miss other stuff of yours.

love the mud patch. :)

Nancy said...

I have to admit I'm much like Tex -- I only visit one blog per friend and this is the one I enjoy, so there!

So silly that we feel guilty about not visiting. But what can you do?

I may only post 2-3 times a week right now as there are too many irons in the fire elsewhere. You go play with that little man -- he won't be this age forever. :)

Cherrie said...

Sweet time with your grandson! I miss that with my grandson now that his mom is a stay at home mom. :) Enjoy it while you can!

PS I am addicted to FB too

Michelle said...

I have FB on my phone and it is always so tempting to check

Jeanie said...

I can't imagine how you kept up with 3 blogs....I hope you enjoy the respite.
My grandson who is close to Hotrod's age says he is going to be a idea where he got that either.

Anonymous said...

The same thing happened to me with my three blogs. I am not posting on two of them and will close them soon. Like you say...blogging should be fun not a chore. I love the picture of Hotrod and Rooster in the water. Don't you just love the honesty of little ones. That was funny and cute what Hotrod said to the teenagers. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hotrod is too funny....I love the things he says! Good choice in focusing on one blog. Yes Facebook can be addicting and I love it on my phone too. Especially when I am out and see something I want to share. It's amazing how fast we can do that!

Judy said...

Mmmmm - mud between the toes - mmmmmm
I have started working on the garden, finally, after that spring from hell!!

Tanna said...

How clever of HR to decide he wanted to be an ice cream cone cooker. Who would have even thought of that? Out of the mouths of babes! Little Man is BIG on the rules right now, too. And, I'm with HR on the standing too close thing!! ;) blessings ~ tanna