Monday, August 19, 2013

Sometimes photos straight out of the camera...
just don't speak to me...
so like Sandra....aka...the Madsnapper...
I have to play a bit...

this is the original....
SOC....(straight out of the camera)

tried a little pink.....

a little black and white....
browns...and blues...

 gave it a little different feel...

 went a little artsy fartsy...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know I love it!!! and i really like the artsy fartsy one.. she can really leap and you captured it

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sandra certainly is the queen of changing up things!!! How do you find the time?

Anonymous said...

Sweet Deb this is a fantastic shot no matter what colors or no colors. I bet you had fun playing with the picture. They are all cool. Hugs