Sunday, August 25, 2013

 Rooster knows when it is Sunday...
he starts watching our every move...
hoping we will take a little trip...
he doesn't care where we go...
 we took him to the park...
a little exercise for all of us...
before it got too hot...
 today I started the Paleo diet...
I think it will be easy to do...
I love fruits and veggies...
most of them are on the list to eat...
I am going to miss cheese....
I love cheese...
 I have found lots of cool recipes...
even one for homemade ice cream....
 I spent 3 hours at the Dr. yesterday...
my asthma has been acting up...
and wouldn't you know my inhaler was empty...
 my regular Dr. out of town...
he never goes out of town...
so I had to go to another Clinic...
I ended up with 2 shots...a breathing treatment...
and 2 prescriptions...
so much better today...
 the air quality has been bad here the last couple of weeks...
not good for asthma...or allergies...
I bragged a while back how I haven't been ill in several years...
this is my 3rd time in the last 6 months...
 School starts tomorrow for the kiddos here...
I was always nervous the first week of school...
even when my kiddos started...I would be nervous...
Hotrod will be starting a 2 day program this year...
I know it's good for him...but I'm sure not ready...
I will be picking him I still will see him everyday...
he's growing up too fast...
now I'm off to visit everyone...
Happy Sunday...


Linda said...

I hope you feel better soon. Love your posts!
Louis Dean has been in bed all day with a bad allergy attack! We have been out of Zyrtec for 2 weeks and I did not realize how much we still need to take it!

TexWisGirl said...

sorry about the asthma! rooster was having a good time. :)

Michelle said...

Glad you are doing better!

Tanna said...

So sorry about the asthma issues, Deb; but, glad you are feeling better!

Evan did the Paleo thing and loved it. I'll be interested in hearing how it works for you. The interesting side effect for him was much less joint pain, etc.

LOVE those tiny fingers on that fat chalk. ;) blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about the doc visit but happy to hear they could help you... i find if i ever say something never happens, it will the next day.

it is odd and wonderful that dogs know what day it is.. no wonder he likes Sunday, look at all that fun he is having. love that yellow flower

Nancy said...

The pollen is horrible here right now and I was panicking a little when I thought I couldn't find my extra inhaler. Found it. Whew.

Good luck on the paleo -- I think you will like it. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better sweet Deb. Hotrod will probably enjoy those two days. Glad you get to pick him up so you will still get to see him and spend time with him. It is for sure he is growing fast. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great pictures Deb!!! Good luck on your diet. I started a new diet yesterday and there is no dairy and I miss my cheese too.

Judy said...

I love the action shots of Rooster!!! Especially the second one!!
Glad you are doing better now, too!! A friend with MS tried the paleo diet, but getting the veggies ready to eat was too hard for her. She is doing better now that she has a Vitamix...