Thursday, September 5, 2013

First Day of MDO....a great big hug for Mommy...
 lot's of poses for Oma....
a new back pack....

lightning McQueen very popular with the boys...
glad his name was on it...

he went straight to the table with the cars...
of course started quizzing the little girl...
she wasn't much of a talker...
He had a good first day...
a good second day too...
hopefully he will get used to shorter nap times...
he is used to at least a 2 hour nap every day...
he went to bed an hour and a half early the first night...
I think he will tonight too...
I'm glad he is enjoying himself...
He also had his first movie experience over the weekend..
His Mommy and Daddy took him to see Planes..
he loved it...
My daughter has Pink Eye...
the joys of teaching little ones dance..
when school starts...
they all pick up germs...and spread like wild fire...
hoping we don't all get it...
lots of sanitizing going on around here...


TexWisGirl said...

your poor daughter!

glad hot rod is fitting in well - even w/ less daytime sleep. :)

Jeanie said...

Glad to see your cute pics of Hotrod at his first day of MDO. It looks like he was having fun. My youngest grandson starts MDO tomorrow. Unfortunately, he is starting it with a cast on his foot.

Linda said...

Summer's daughter started MDO this week too. She loved it! Hard for the other Grandma who has cared for her everyday!
LD says you build up immunity.....over time....

Diana LaMarre said...

He is sure growing up fast! It is good that he is enjoying his new routine.

Tanna said...

Oh, yes, the Lightening McQueen is boss among the Little Men of the world. LOL! HR is so cute all big boy for his first week of MDO. Bless your daughter's heart! Keep up the sanitizing. blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no on the pink eye, my friend is a kindergarten teacher and she catches every thing they have... he looks so Little Man like.. glad he is happy with it...

Bev said...

He is growing up...I know how fast that goes!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Glad he had a nice time and how exciting to go and see Planes. I know I enjoyed it! Have a wonderful weekend.

Nancy said...

Love the fact he just charged right in -- must be a relief for you all he likes his new routine. :)

Judy said...

Somehow, I never thought that he would have a problem at school!! He has just seen so many people, and he is such a cheerful guy!!