Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Madsnapper got me stirred up....Love ya Sandra...

 I read Sandra's post this morning...
Sandra is the Madsnapper...
click on POST to read it...
she got me all stirred up....
(Hotrod is hitching up his britches)
(He's getting tall and slim and his britches are sagging)
 Sandra's post got me to thinking...
why do people always assume bigger is better???
A bigger house...bigger (or more expensive) car...
 why can't they be happy with what they have...
My kids grew up sharing a room...
we had one bathroom most of their lives...
you learn to share...you learn to take turns...
you learn to make good use of your time...
especially in the winter...when you could run out of hot water...
TV's...computers were not in our rooms....
TV's were in the family room...
we ate meals at a table with the family...
going to the movies..or out to dinner was a treat...
not an everyday occurrence...
we appreciated it more...
We had board games...card games...
not computers to entertain...or phones...
I was getting my haircut one day...
a Family came in...they had 4 kids...
one was getting a hair cut...
the Dad handed two sisters a phone to play with...
the little brother...around 2 or 3...was handed a phone...
no one talked...
they just stared at the phone..
My son was 18 before he got a cell phone...
My daughter was 16 and the ONLY reason she got one...
is because she went to school 30 minutes away...
she worked in Dallas...so she spent a lot of time on the road...
it was for emergencies...not games...or friends...
when we were growing up...
and my kids were growing up...
we took books...crayons...cars...Barbie's...
used our imaginations to play...
while we waited...
you see tables of people out to eat...
the kids all have a video game or phone...
no communication...
How will they ever learn to communicate with others????
Okay I'm stepping down now...
Thank you Sandra....I feel better now....


TexWisGirl said...

you two are sisters. :)

Paula said...

Like your entry very much, so much truth in it. I too raised my girls with one bathroom. They shared a bedroom and one landline phone which we had because my husband got calls from work. Now me, I'm old enough to have grown up with no phone and no bathroom. We do, and can survive.

Bev said...

I'm with you Deb!!

Nancy said...

All very valid points and a sad commentary on our society. I feel sorry for some of these families that don't even realize what they are missing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Tex said it all, sister mine... you go girl... amen and amen... agree 100 percent

barbara l. hale said...

I hear you. I grew up in a big family and we had to share. My own bedroom was such a luxury when I moved out and I've got to admit that I still don't like sharing a bathroom...even with my husband. But that's the way it is. Personally, I get steamed up when I see kids watching videos in cars when they should be looking out the window and seeing the real world. Oh, well... Some parents will do anything to get their kids to shut up. It was ever thus, just easier means these days.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I feel just like you when it comes to all the cell phone stuff. I think the kids today have a sad road ahead of them! The good ol days were good!

Tanna said...

I'm with you, Deb. Preach on. blessings ~ tanna
ps love the old photos of you and your many pets! And, of course, the boys!

Judy said...

But they have the cell phones so they can talk to their friends, loudly, when they are on the bus... Or to text during class.
I would not want to go back to the old days with no computer, but I figure a cell phone would grow cobwebs in my world.