Friday, September 13, 2013

More Memory Lane....
me in high school...
I wish I still had that top....and that it would still

 me wearing my then boyfriend/next door neighbors...
motorcycle gear...he raced motocross...
 my daughter loved this horse....
she would still be riding it today...
if I hadn't got rid of it...
she was 10 when I sold it...
she was devastated...
 Our family has a silly side...
my FIL with his granddaughters...
Hubby as you know...has a silly side too...
My Uncle made it through his surgery...
hopefully he is on the mend...
Thank you for all your prayers...
Happy Friday the 13th...
I don't have a problem with 13...
my son was born on a 13th....
so it is a special number for me...
How about you???
Does 13 bother you??


MadSnapper n Beau said...

love all the silliness.. makes life good and no problem with the 13th

TexWisGirl said...

cute look back. glad your uncle did okay!

barbara l. hale said...

My daughter was born on Friday the 13th, too. I consider it a lucky day. Glad to hear that your uncle is on the mend and that your family has a silly side. Silly is important in life.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoyed the pictures!!! Glad you uncle is doing well. I will continue to pray for him.

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Hi Deb, I just found you when I searched for Texas Bloggers and here is why...After being a California girl for 58 years I am moving to Texas next year! I have heard that Texans are not fond of us Cali people. So I am hoping to get to know my new state a bit before the big move in 2014.
Susie Klein

Judy said...

It does look like a comfortable top! I am not crazy about the colour, but comfort is the main thing!!