Sunday, September 1, 2013

 I've been wanting to do a photo shoot...
with my Mom...
Saturday was the last of the $1.00 days...
at the Dallas Arboretum....
$1.00 each to get in...
plus $10 to park...
so we got up early...
 headed that way....
 my Mom was a wonderful model...
a real natural....
 we had a lot of fun...
lots of laughter...
which was good.....
we found out when we got there...
My Uncle Don had passed away Friday evening...
which is my Mom's oldest brother...
 it made for a nice distraction...
made us enjoy the beauty around us even more...
 My Uncle Don was a man amongst men...
He was good looking...good hearted...
hard working...good to his family...
good to everyone around him...
he loved John Wayne...
he reminded me of John Wayne...
My Mom was 5 or 6 when their Dad died...
my Uncle Don took over that role for my Mom...
he was a big influence in her life...
he will be greatly missed....
 always with a smile...
a firm hand shake...
a hug like a bear...

Love you Uncle Don....
say hello to our Lady bug when you get to Heaven....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about your uncle. these are wonderful, you mom is very photogenic... i love the wagon and the bench the best of all... what a fun way to spend the day, my mother would have loved doing something like this with me and my camera

barbara l. hale said...

So sorry about your Uncle Don. He sounds like a treasure! But it's wonderful that you had such a good day with your mom. She is a terrific model.

TexWisGirl said...

i am so very sorry. that went very fast. just recently you mentioned his cancer diagnosis. bless you all.

Jeanie said...

Your mom looked like she was having a great time.
I'm sorry about the loss of your uncle.

Nancy said...

So sorry for your loss Deb -- I'm so glad you and your mom had a good day together. She's lovely and a great sport.

Tanna said...

So sorry for your and your Mom's loss, Deb. Your Uncle Don sounds like he was a fine man.

You and your Mom did a great job on your Arboretum photo shoot. Laughter is good medicine.

blessings ~ tanna

Cherrie said...

So sorry for your loss. Great pictures of your Mom.

nancygrayce said...

So sorry about your Uncle's hard to lose someone who means so much in your life!

Judy said...

Sounds like he will be missed...
My condolences to you and your family!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are such sweet pictures of your mom. Tell her she looks wonderful!

Carla said...

Sorry to read about your loss. Sounds like a great guy.
Love the photo of your mom in the wagon.