Friday, September 20, 2013


we got rain...lots and lots of rain....
all over Texas...
you could almost here the ground....
slurping it in as fast as it could...

We are in the 70's....
a great big change....
Hotrod was excited to splash in the puddles...
he wanted to dig for worms....
he didn't understand that the dirt is still too dry for worms...

a few weeks ago when he spent the night...
Pawpaw showed him Venus in the sky...
then we looked it up on the net...
so he could see a close up shot...
he has been really curious about planets now...
Today he wanted me to tell him a story about Venus...
So I asked him...How do you think we could travel there...
he said a Rocket ship Oma....
A purple rocket ship with red and orange flames on the side...
we had fun taking our trip to Venus...
did you know....they have fountains with purple water???
and if you jump into it you turn purple too???

or that you can have a picnic...
and eat purple crackers???
or that they have mini rockets...
that you drive to go to the grocery store...
well you can on our Venus....
I love the way that boy thinks....
we can have adventures...and never leave the house...


TexWisGirl said...

sweet imagination. :)

Ramakrishnan said...

Nice post, lovely pictures. I love the last image. Have a great week end. Ram

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow, you might have a writer or a film maker on your hands with that imagination... seems purple must be the IN color right now... so sweet

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pictures and enjoyed Hotrod's imagination!