Friday, September 6, 2013

Sprinkle Park

this week is the first time
we have been to the sprinkle park all summer...
it was really great going after school started...

No big crowds...we went today also...
we've got plenty of warm days left to enjoy it...
we are still getting 100 degree days here in Texas...

I promised Hotrod next time we come I will bring my swim suit...
(since there isn't a crowd...)

I'm really enjoying Paleo...
I've always loved fruits and veggies...
and Meat...oh yes I love meat...
I feel so much better eating them...
sometimes those other foods...
you know...chips...crackers...sweets...
just look so inviting...
you forget how bad they make you feel...
(or at least they do me)
I'm glad to be back on track again...

what I like about Paleo is it is a way of life...
not just a fad diet to drop pounds quickly....
which you know you always gain back...
it is a healthy way to eat...
it improves your health...

I'm off the soap
Dad...I love you...
I'm glad you called and shared with me...
I'm working on getting my next family member photo shoot...
they all get a wild deer in the head light look on their face
when I bring it up...but I want to have a photo shoot
with each of them... one at a time...
I have also decided where I want to do our family
Christmas Card photo this year...
not going to tell though...
I'm hoping I can get My Dad and Step Mom in it to...
Are you listening Dad????


TexWisGirl said...

love the last shot through the water spray. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that last photo and the first one, that is the coolest sprinkler ever. hope dad is listening.

Tanna said...

Great sprinkle photos, Deb!! It has certainly been hot enough the last couple of days! LOL!

I'm almost ready to saddle up with the Paleo, too... almost...

Hope your Dad and step-mom are ready to roll for the photo shoot, too! blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like Hotrod has a great time and had the place to himself! That's exactly how I feel out my new life style eating. I went without the crackers, etc. for a year and now I'm going without dairy and wheat. I'm feeling so good and my skin is better. Fruits, veggies, meats and whole grain. I'm so glad you eating healthy, it's never too late to eat healthy.

Diana LaMarre said...

That park looks like so much fun. Makes me wish I was a kid again!

Judy said...

I love the water effects in that last image of Hotrod!!! I wonder if you want to suggest doing your Dad's photo shoot at the water park...
There was frost on the roofs of the houses as I was on my way to school Thursday...