Monday, September 2, 2013

Happy Labor Day...

 we started the day with a little rain here in Texas...
a much needed was the slow steady kind..
not the heavy down pour run off kind...
 you could almost hear the ground and plants....
say AWWWWW....
it soaked it quickly...
then the sun came out...
but only in the 90's so far...
a big change from the 102-103 the last several days...

I was happy I got to see my Uncles from Missouri this morning...
before they had to hit the road back home...
There was a private viewing of my Uncle Don this morning...
for the brothers and sisters...
Hubby and I were able to go...
a sad time...but also a happy time...
with the siblings together...
they were able to spend good quality time together...
remembering all the fun..
and maybe some not so fun times...
but all knowing...
their brother Uncle... 
is now with our Lady bug (my Nana)...
she's getting to see that wonderful smile...
hear that big laugh...that curly dark hair...
catching up on lost time...

had to slip another one in of my Mom...
Hotrod starts his Mother's Day out program this week...
2 days a week...
Oma's not looking forward to this...
he's only ever been with us or his parents...
I'm sure he will be fine...
the rest of us...
well that's going to be another story...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that first photo is stunning, i just love it and the last one of your mom is so cute...glad you and your hubby were able to go to the funeral.. hugs

TexWisGirl said...

glad you got to spend some time with the family. and really glad you got some decent rain! we had sprinkles - twice - but didn't really measure to anything.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pictures in this post! ((HUGS)) Sorry about Uncle Don.

Judy said...

They grow up so fast...

Tanna said...

We could hear the ahhhhhh, too. Good to get a little rain.

Glad you had some good family time, even for a sad reason.

blessings ~ tanna

Michaele said...

Nice to get a break from the heat. Hope horrid does well and you too.

Michaele said...

Hotrod!! This spell check is what is horrid!

Michelle said...

Hotrod is growing up!

Linda said...

You can't put too many pictures of your mom in there!
Raynie is starting a 3 day preschool program. Her other Grandma has been caring for her since the beginning so it will be harder on HER than Raynie!
I told Amber to not blink! Hers will be there all too soon!

Carla said...

Another cute pic of your mom. We left Ft Worth on Sunday so we just missed the rain but none of it followed us back to Tomball. Darn it.
That will be a big transition for Hotrod but I'm betting that he'll do better than Mom and Oma will. ;o)
He's growing up.