Saturday, September 14, 2013

 I went back to the Festival this morning....
I was only going to go for about an hour...
then go back to watch the girls dance...
 my Mom came down...
 we ended up spending the day ....
it was a fun time...
love spending time with Mom...
 we saw cool cars at the car show...
(photos to come)
ran in to all kinds of people we knew...
listened to good music....
did a lot of walking....
 we had lunch at Big State Drug Store...
they have an old fashioned soda fountain....
I was even able to stay Paleo...
I had a nice grilled chicken salad...
 the girls did really great performing...
they are really a cute group...
Mom and I decided we are going to adopt a few of them...
since all our dance girls are grown up...
we can start over with them...
watch them grow up...

we've been watching girls dance for 22 years...
it's so fun watching them change and grow in their dance...
It was a wonderful day...
Hubby cooked dinner...steak and mushrooms...
I got to talk to my Uncle...he is improving every day....
thank you for your prayers...
they mean a lot to us...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a fun day... the girls are talented dancers and it is so healthy for them to.. glad your Uncle is better and woo hoo on hubby cooking. that always makes my day...i love the pretzel look photo and OUCH

TexWisGirl said...

the girls are adorable - and obviously talented! so sweet.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that turned out to be one great day! Love the girls dancing and happy you had so much fun with your mom.

Michelle said...

Sounds like a great day out with your mom.

Judy said...

I hope your uncle continues to improve!! My Mom's official move date is this Saturday!