Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Our fall temps turned back to summer....
in the 90's today...
but that's okay with me...
I get to hang on to summer a little longer...
and it's not in the 100's....

 My Mom is leaving to go to Missouri...
to see my Uncle Tom...
if you would send up a few prayers for her safe travel...
they would be greatly appreciated...
Hotrod was catching Doodle bugs...
he named one of them Pawpaw...
Pawpaw and Nanny are two of his favorite names to use...
can you tell I'm getting excited....
will have my toes in the sand before I know it...
hopefully the rain will stay away...


TexWisGirl said...

be sure to send the rain back up here if it arrives when you're down there. :)

Michelle said...

Always nice to be a little one's favorite....

Jeanie said...

Wishing that both you and your mom have safe travels. I love the pic of Hotrod picking up bugs.

Linda said...

Prayers for your mom.....
I am enjoying the sand and the surf!!
Come on down! The water's fine!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are in day 4 of rain all day, ready for some sun.. hope the sun shines on your beach week end.. i love these photos of HR so bright and colorful and clear and sharp

Nancy said...

Doodlebugs? Not familiar with those.

Keeping your uncle in my thoughts.

Hope the rain stays away for you too.

Anonymous said...

Keeping your mom and you in prayers for safe traveling. Hugs

Judy said...

Love the first and the last images!!!