Thursday, October 18, 2012

 Any body out there????
Why is this camera always in my face????
She will learn the ropes soon.....
 This has been a strange week...
I can't put my finger on why...
it just has been...

we are starting to see  little signs of Fall here...
our temps are jumping up and down...
it was 90 degrees yesterday afternoon...
in the upper 50's this morning...
maybe that is why it seems strange...

 Okay you know what kind of tree this is...
Sandra  and I would love to know....
I watched Mitt Romney deliver remarks at the
Alfred E. Smith dinner in New York on the news tonight...
he really has a great sense of humor....
I'm sure his script was written by someone...
but he really pulled it off...
nice to see a lighter side of this campaign time...


nancygrayce said...

Cute dog pic! And so good to hear nice things about politics! :).

Jeanie said...

I also enjoyed seeing a lighter side of the campaign tonight....and a little civility for a change.

TexWisGirl said...

i believe that's a bur oak acorn.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is the cutest nose shot ever. she has such beautiful dark eyes, i bet she does wonder what all the snapping is about.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

A s-t-r-a-n-g-e week, hu???? ,-) 'Tis the season for it, hu? :-)))))

Which brings to mind, why do we humans kind-of have to have a REASON for everything? We tend to want such. We do. But why?

Wouldn't it be a wee bit interesting, to have some things, which don't seem to have any pat reason? :-) Like having a week, or a day, feel 'different'...

Add some mystery to life! :-)

'Cause life can be quite plodding and dull. Although we'd rather this, than too much ugh-excitement.

Some nice humor? Some humor, not eliciting a bite or a stab? How delightful, that Mitt can deliver such!!!!!! -sigh- Does this Dear Country ever need such!!!!!!!!


Nancy said...

Also watched the highlights of the dinner -- I wonder if the two candidates spoke to each other in a regular conversation? I hope so. :)

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I absolutely laughed when I saw your sweet doggie nose in the first photo!! Hilarious!
Have a good weekend!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love the pictures. Enjoy your weekend.

Dolores said...

I'm trying so hard to play catch up on all the post I've missed..... I know my favorite ones to catch up on are pictures of your precious little Hotrod.....
Children are such a blessing!!

Judy said...

I love that photo of Hatari!!
I have had a bad week, but I am getting better, more slowly than I would like...

Carla said...

Had to smile with that puppy nose staring into the camera.