Sunday, October 21, 2012

 we got up bright and early...
headed to the pumpkin patch...
along with hundreds of others...
my daughter brought Hatari...
can you guess what she is????

yep...our little ladybug....
she's quite the trouper...

Pawpaw found a good seat...
while we went on the hayride...

 my son guarded the wagon....
 as promised...I handed over the camera...
for a few photos....

 Hatari is the perfect dog...
she doesn't mind costumes...
she likes going...
she doesn't mind my camera...
Hotrod loved the pumpkins...
 there were lots of pumpkins...
lot's of people...
lot's of cameras...
Hatari had a costume change...
she is showing off her witch costume...
headed out....
with a tired Hotrod....


TexWisGirl said...

i like the pic of you and your hubby. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, LOVED the pictures! Where's the pumpkin? I mean to tell you -- that Hotrod is GROWING! Yes, glad to see you on the other end of the camera! :) Cute dress, you young thang you!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You go prepared, to have fun. And to give fun... With the doggie costumes! :-)

Thank you for being true to your word and having some self-pics be taken! Yesssss!!! It's about time!!! :-))))

And I love it, that you (and I both) tend to wear comfortable cotton dresses. Love that tooooo. :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the wagon is a super idea for tired dogs and little guys. i like all the stair step photos. so happy to see you in them. i took your advice and let bob take a couple of me at the park this week end even though i was not happy to do it

Jeanie said...

Lots of fun and great pics. We had great weather yesterday and the pumpkin patch was a very popular place....huge traffic jam just to get in.

Judy said...

I DO love that ladybug costume!! And you look so happy!!

Bev said...

What a fun time and great pictures!!! I love pumpkin patches!!

Michaele said...

GREAT fall photos! That little guy grows bigger with every post!

Just Mags said...

Oh, my goodness!! I LOVE these pictures. Deb you are just adorable and you and your hubby are such a cute couple. Love the ladybug out fit Hatari was wearing. Looks like Hotrod had a great time at the pumpkin patch...he is just so adorable. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like you had a nice time. I'm glad you turned the camera over for some shots of you :) Had to laugh about Hatari having a costume change! Skye as a ladybug costume.

Michelle said...

This looks like a great family day. I have to say the Hatari's costume change gave me a smile :)

A Colorful World said...

Ooooh, what fun! Cute family shots, especially of the little guy bouncing. :-)

Carla said...

Great pictures. Loved the one of you and hubby!