Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hubby cooked a pot of chili tonight....
sure was good...
I cooked the kidney beans today in the crockpot..
I love my crockpots...then he added his magic....

I thought I had burnt up my microwave today...
I was trying to melt crayons...
I found a cute idea to melt broken crayons...
into one big one...well they were starting to melt...
checked on them...my microwave quit working...
I unplugged it...tried it a few hours later...
it came back on...
I guess I over heated it...
will need to melt the crayons in the oven next time...


I made another batch of powder laundry detergent...
it is so easy....grade a bar of soap...
add a cup of Borax...a cup of super washing soda...
if you use a cheese grader that grinds it small...
you just mix it all together...
if your grader makes it bigger you can throw it all into
a blender or food processer....
I add a few drops of essential oil....
like rosemary...mix well....all done...
it only takes 1 tablespoon per load...
2 tablespoons if extra dirty...
I have found a cool fabric softener too...
I have a lot of mint...I put it in vinegar...
leave it a week to ten days...
take the mint out....it smells so good...
then I use the vinegar in the rinse cycle...
the clothes are so soft...and have a nice mint smell...

the sports teams in Texas ....
are sure causing a lot of activity on Facebook...
I guess the Cowboys lost really bad on Monday night football...
I'm not a big sports fan...I do like baseball...
I love the Rangers...hubby likes to watch Golf...
let me tell you he spent the ENTIRE weekend watching a golf tournament...
I ended up watching movies on my phone on Saturday...
Sunday I talked him into getting out of the house...
 to a local sports bar...
he watched Golf...I watched the Rangers...

aren't these the cutest little foot prints....
still holding on to barefootin'.....
we are staying really warm in the afternoons...
this weekend we are cooling down a bit more...
Are you a big Sports Fan?
or can you live without em?
How about your hubby? Do they drive you nuts with them?
and the remote...holy cow..that is a whole other story...
I'll save that for another time....


Michelle said...

I am not a big sports fan. But, the guys in my house are. Still haven't made the homemade laundry detergent. Does it work well on really dirty clothes?

Laura said...

Be careful melting those crayons!
It sounds like you are easing into fall.
The weather has been a little milder here.

White Spray Paint

Linda said...

I love your homemade laundry cleaning ideas! I may make some of these for Amber soon. She likes 'natural' things with the quads and all.

I like football. Baseball not so much and golf NOT at ALL!!
Sunday afternoon I took a nap in the girl bunk while LD watched a football game on TV. I love that sound......football on TV but a little distant! Add a fireplace and it would have been perfect!!

We come home on Thursday and I am looking forward it it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yum on the chili. I hope to do that crayon thing someday if I ever have a grandchild!!! I do like golf, not a football fan.
Love the footprints. My husband loves football and golf.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those morning glories are so pretty.
The chili sounds really good. It's getting a little cooler here so maybe I'll make a batch next week.

Neither of us are all that into sports. We like NASCAR and off road racing and maybe an occasional football game. That's about it.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Lovely photos!

Chilli! Yummm. Especially made by someone else. :-)

Around here, he only really watches football, and then.... Is only really interested in certain ones. ND is the only college team he watches (our son attended ND, till he decided he wanted to take Pharmacy and ND didn't offer it).

As for regular football, he likes Giants and Jets, and any team with one of the Mannings on it. :-)

I don't mind football. It moves! But most other sports, I don't care to watch.

And he will watch games, but will always turn 'em off, if I want to go somewhere. And I don't abuse the privilege. :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

gorgeous flower pic today and love the little foot prints. so did it make a big fat crayon? glad your microwave is ok. great idea to reuse old crayons. let me know if it worked. i started to cry thinking about making my own detergent. that is as bad as cooking.. and hubby has control of the wide screen remote when he is here, and i hate all sports and leave the room when they are on. i grab the kindle and leave into the story

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

About your earth quakes... Did you see this????

who is against fracking

nanny said...

I made two pots of chili yesterday for hubby to take on hunting trip!!

You are so smart, making your detergent and softener. I love mint!

nancygrayce said...

I love my crockpot and chili! I wish I was industrious enough to make natural things, but I may as well not fool myself.

Precious footsteps.

My husband loves football and I don't.......

Nancy said...

Husband is not a team sports fan, but watches the fishing and hunting channels alot on the weekend. Oy. Same difference.

Judy said...

I will have to try that mint in vinegar rinse in the laundry. I think it would be nice to have clothes smelling of mint. I bet DH would not agree with me, though. There are times he can be difficult...