Friday, October 5, 2012

Comments on...Comments off...
what makes people decide to turn off their comments??
it seems like when I run across comments off...
it makes me want to comment even more...
crazy isn't it....
Why does a do not enter sign...
makes some people want to enter even more...
is it the challenge???
 why do children always think other peoples toys...
are way cooler than theirs...
they can have the exact same toy at home...
but on the playground the other kids toy is so much cooler...
dogs and cats seem to be the same way...
the dogs want the cat toys.....
the cats want the dog toys....
people with straight hair want curly...
people with curly want straight...
short people want to be tall...
tall people want to be tall...
but in the end is that really what we want???
once you get the other thing...
is it really any better?? or more exciting???
usually not....
I guess it is all a part of the learning process..
learning who you are...or who you aren't....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

my friend and I just had this discuassion last week, all her weight goes to her butt and thighs, all mine goes to my stomach and middle, i look like an apple with two stick legs. she said i wish mine went to my middle, i said no you don't it is better to go to the butt and we both laughed like crazy. if we have a laptop we want a PC. just us crazy humans i guess. it makes me crazy when i get to the bottom and the comments are off. i know it is because the want the day off, so what i do is if i don't want comments i don't post that day.

Jeanie said...

We people can be a perverse group at times. I know you are right that what is different isn't always better, but I sure wouldn't mind trying curly hair for a while. :)

TexWisGirl said...

those folks that return visits from comments need a break that day, i guess. i read way to many blogs from my reader, regardless if that person visits that day or not, so i tend to visit anyway.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So cool photos!!!

It would be nice, if when bloggers turn off their comments, they explain their reason for so doing...

"The grass is always greener, on the other side of the street." ,-)


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I have always wanted curly hair! I was going to talk about comments off on my post today but didn't. If your going to turn your comments off please announce at the start of your post. I may spend five or more minutes reading a post only to find out I can't comment. Sorry, if you don't want a comment than don't write a post!
Sorry, I'll step down from my soapbox now :)

Michaele said...

yes - but - I would kill for curly hair!

Michelle said...

*sigh* We always want what we don't have. Such is life, I guess.

Judy said...

The grass is always greener...
I think the thing with do not enter signs is just that if you say I can't go in there, then you MUST have something really cool in there. About the no comments thing - I think maybe they just can't handle the comments, for some reason, and don't want the pressure. If I feel that way, I don't make a post, though...

Carla said...

I've ran into the Comments off only a couple of times and it was because they were on vacation. While they wanted to post they didn't want to fell obligated to reply.
While I post for myself and my family/friends it's nice to get the comments to know they enjoy, agree or disagree with what I've said. ;o)