Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dog Show part 2

Cool Dog productions

Another dog show we watched...
this is a red heeler...
looks a little different than Rooster...
more like what our J.D. looked like...
he was a blue heeler...

my days are all mixed up this week...
Monday was a holiday for a lot of people...
not us of course...but no bank...

I joined the gym....
we are fortunate to have nice recreation centers in our area...
I'm going to continue to walk and do things outside
as much as possible...
but got a 6 month membership to the gym..
for when the weather is not co-operative...
I've gone twice this week...
my distance was better tonight...
I increased my mileage by a 1/2 mile in 30 minutes...
got get ready for our Thanksgiving day Family walk...
the way time is will be here too soon...
I'm excited Duck Dynasty starts it's new season tonight...
I don't know why....but I just love that show...
it is on A & E....


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Thanks for the reminder. YES! DUCK DYNASTY! It's my fave reality show (my ONLY reality show!); so clean and hilarious. Poor Miss Kay - can't get ahead... :)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I love dog shows how fun! And I love your new header too, very nice Deb.
I am so hoping to get back into the swing of exercising more.
I chase Addi a lot but I need more.
Hugs friend,

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh how great! You joined where you can exercise, when the weather isn't good.

And OHHHHHHHHHH look! I spy with my little eye, a lovely picture of you, on your sidebar. YOUR pretty face. Right there. Smiling at us. No hiding. :-)))))


MadSnapper n Beau said...

that dog looks pretty old to be so good at doing hand stands, he does resemble Rooster a litle in size and shape of head. good for you joining the gym

Judy said...

But if you had your own dog show like this, just think of all the time you'd be spending away from home...

nancygrayce said...

It was not a holiday for us either......but then the superhero hardly ever takes a day off!

Congratulations on joining the gym! There was a time when I was in the gym five days a week.....a long time ago now.