Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I received sad news earlier...
the owner of my daughters dance studio Dad passed away...
Big Daddy as he was called by everyone...
was such a nice man...
a little grumpy on the outside...
but a Teddy Bear on the inside...
he was always there for the Dance performances...
even joined in on occasion...
my favorites were the Father Daughter dance he did...
on the 25th anniversary of the studio...
and the reading of the Grinch Stole Christmas...
at the Christmas performances...
Rest In Peace Big Daddy....
you will be missed....

we received news this weekend that a childhood friend
of Hubby Mom is not doing well..hospice is with her now...
She was an important part of Hubbies life in middle school...
and high school...since he lost his Mom when he was 9...
she was a woman figure in his life...
It is so hard seeing friends loose their parents...
really makes me appreciate that I still have both of mine...
I love you MOM....I love you DAD....

having Hotrod around sure helps...
seeing the newness of life and experiences...
the joy...the wonder of it all...
too bad we don't keep these traits with us all our life...
we tend to get jaded for a lot of our lives...
then when we get older....it tends to come back...
atleast for me it has...
I remind myself everyday... that each day is a blessing...

oh don't get me wrong...I still get caught up in the hustle...bustle..
of everyday craziness....but some little blonde haired boy...
brings me back...a smile...a hug...a What's that???
or Oma I love you....
now if that won't melt your heart I don't know what will...


TexWisGirl said...

i am sorry for your sadness. the dance studio folks i know are like extended family to you...

Linda said...

The circle of life......
I am humbled when I think of the people who who helped form, shape and influence me have gone from this earth. Helps keep me motivated to have a good attitude - you do not know what influence WE have on those around us.

Beautiful post today.....as usual.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sorry to hear about both these friends and loved ones, and the sound of HR on the video makes me know how cheery he can make you feel.

Nancy said...

Life is so short and you have a great attitude... xo

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So sorry for both these pieces of sad news... -sigh- When I hear of a passing, I try to make myself remember to value life more closely.

We tend to kinda' float through life. Or bump through it, depending on the particular circumstances. We need to do more paying attention. To the lovely parts.

And that's what HR helps you do. You are his care taker. But he is doing lots, to take care of you too. Even though he's too little to realize it. :-)

Hugs to you, Sweet Lady,

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Sorry for your bad news. I say embrace life- it's so short and so precious!

Just Mags said...

So sorry about the death of your friend and the illness of your hubby's mom's friend. The pictures are gorgeous! Nothing sweeter than when those little grands say to us...that they love us and say such adorable things. Hugs

Diana Ferguson said...

So sorry for the loss of special ones!

Hug that grand.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry to hear the sad news.
((HUGS)) Will keep you and their families in my prayers.

A Colorful World said...

So sad. I know it is rough for his family, his friends, and also for the dance studio attendees to be going through this. It's always hard to lose a friend.

Carla said...

Nice post. Sorry for all the sad news.
I've been in the same spot. Friends losing their parents and mine are still living. My husband has lost both his parents. Christmas seems to be the most noticiable time.
God Bless.