Thursday, October 25, 2012

golf...a gentlemen's game...
or so it has been called....
I'm not so sure it is anymore...
the respect isn't shown on the golf course like it used to be...

it seems to be a trend not to be gentlemenly..
is that a word...well...we will pretend it is...
what is happening to good manners...
being a gentlemen???
have you noticed the changes...
like when a man opens a door for you...
it surprises is not a given any more...
bad language is not hushed or hidden anymore...
or appoligized for if a slip happens...
what happened to keeping a leash on your language...
especially around ladies and children...
now you hear the F word tossed around like nobodies business...

why are we so surprised when gentlemenliness is shown???
why is it that we are not surprised by ungentlemenliness??
I'm proud that my husband is a gentlemen...
(well out in public anyway....)
he opens door for ladies...
he shows respect for others...
he knows when to watch his language...
what not to talk about in mixed company...
Come on fellows....
let's bring back gentlemeness....
Ladies...what do you think???


pbrenner said...

Oh no, here comes my soapbox again, lol. I have noticed the language issue, particularly among younger (teenage to 20somethings) people. I finally decided that I didn't have to tolerate it, so I speak up now and try to nicely ask them to watch what they're saying. Sometimes I get sheepish looks and a mumbled 'sorry ma'am', but unfortunately it's often a glare or a crude retort. As for gentlemanly behavior (doors, etc.), the older ish (my generation 50somethings and up) men are still quite gentlemanly, and I try to be extra appreciative of their efforts ... it is sad that we have lost so many of the little courtesies and allowed our culture to be so coarsened. And don't even get me started on the current pres and vice pres, grrr.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

I think we are both lucky, to be married to gentlemen.

And I agree on bringing their kind, back into circulation. !!!!!!!!!!


TexWisGirl said...

sadly, a bit of a losing art.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes I have noticed the change yet there are a few who are gentlemen.
My husband could try harder!

Michaele said...

Chivalry is not dead - but it is dying. You are blessed.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yep, it is fading away. i like the kindness but i rather open my own door and always have, to me sitting in a car while someone comes around to open it makes no sense. also i am always the driver so does that mean i have to go open his? ha ha. but manners and language are really a thing of the past.

A Colorful World said...

Oh, I SOOOOO agree with you about gentlemanly behavior and just respectable behavior all the way around!!! I noticed this slipping away when I was in my early 20s and it seemed to get worse every year. Sometimes I long for those days of my youth, when the world was a gentler place to be. People were NICE! NICE is a lost art!!!!

Susan said...

I so agree with you!!!!! I want the gentlemen back!!!! AND I want them to clean up their mouths!

Just Mags said...

I totally agree with what you say here sweet Deb. I am among the blessed with you to have a husband who is a gentleman. It seems to me that good manners are becoming a thing of the past and how sad that is. Hugs

Anonymous said...

It's a new world. I'm proud of my husband and boys (young men) for acting like gentlemen - open doors, yes ma'am, no ma'am, etc. Yes, gentlemanly manners are very UNcommon nowadays. So sad.