Wednesday, October 17, 2012

we've had another windy day here in Texas...
sometimes the wind really messes with my allergies...
hubby and I both woke up this morning...
stopped up...we slept with the windows open...

 any chance I get to turn off the a/c or heat...
I take advantage of...
using nature to cool or warm us....
seems like the price of everything has gone up....
or if the price has stayed the same...
the product is smaller...or less....
I've noticed even the thrift stores have raised their prices...
unfortunately if they don't...they can't afford to stay open...
I'm sure happy I'm not trying to raise a family now days...
I'm sure this has been a thought for parents for years...
as their family grows up and moves out...
because every year...everything goes up...
there are alot of things that I just refuse to buy anymore...
I've always tried to be I work on it even harder...
making my own cleaning supplies...
not using paper towels...paper napkins...
throw away dishes...
I am fortunate my Mom has made me a lot of cloth napkins...
she has also made me hand towels out of Cotton...
I keep those at the sinks instead of paper towels...
with a basket to put the dirty ones in...
they are all I bleach them...
it took a while to get everyone on board with them...
I love them...hubby is okay with them now...
He has never liked paper towels or paper napkins...
but he thought all towels had to be terry cloth...
he is is amazing how you can make do...
We adapt...we keep moving...
we rally together...
we take care of our own...
hmmm....wonder if this would/could work...
for our government....
it is so hard for me to believe...
that the concept of taking care of yourself...
your community....your family members...
is not a concept some understand...
that they think people aren't smart enough to do this...
without their help...on their a group...
stepping down now...


nancygrayce said...

Great soapbox! Ad totally right on the mark!

Linda Hoye said...

Love this.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh I am so sorry! I understand having to "pay" for sleeping with the window deliciously open... "Pay" with allergies.

Yes, wind is the pits. And even rain can worsen mine. Who knew?

As to your teeny step-up on the soap box! I think this way, is the *best-est* way to get our "point" across!!! No stomping around, or waving banners, or using (ahemm *interesting*) code words for names, etc. -evil grin- Just weaving in a wee bit of home-spun wisdom, into our posted words.

YOU are a GENIUS!!!

I am feeling uncomfortable, both with being political, and not being so, on my blog. It feels as if the more in-your-face some of us are, the less we accomplish. -sigh-

But to "say nothing," is stiffffffeling tooooo. -sigh-

But Wise Woman You, came up with the perfect solution! Hope all your Dear Readers of the Conservative Mind Set, follow your lead! Yessss!

Catch more flies with honey, than with vinegar, as the old saying goes. Just get 'em thinking... Gently get 'em thinking... :-)

Gentle hugs to my oh so smart Friend in blog land,


MadSnapper n Beau said...

frugal is not in the govt choices, they have no idea what that means, we do the same as you, not the making cleaning supplies but the other things. the second photo up from the bottom speaks to me, just love it.

Bev said...

We've had wind here too..but ours is very cold...:)

It's amazing when you talk about being frugal...that is the way I grew up....then we got too much...and now we are swinging back to the "old" ways.... (yep...back in the old days....hmmm and I don't feel that old...I wonder if the grandkids think of me...from the old days??

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a great idea on the towels. I need to give that a try. I love how frugal you are. We seldom if ever open windows since I was advised not to over 40 years ago with my allergies/asthma. My brother who has suffered from seasonal allergies stopped drinking dairy earlier this year and has had a huge improvement.

Judy said...

Last week, I gave in and put the furnace on full time...
Good idea about the cotton hand towels. You could also use the ends of regular towels that the middles have died.
I tried you idea of using vinegar rather than fabric softener. It makes a big difference to my polar fleece tops!!!