Wednesday, October 24, 2012


It was a feeding frenzy at the pond...
I wonder if they know something we don't...
we do have a cold blast coming this weekend...
we've been breaking records this week...
for our warm temps...
I'm not complaining a bit...I'm enjoying it...

This week I have felt like the ringmaster...
of a three ring circus...
or a dog chasing it's tail....
not sure which one...
it's so dark in the morning...
gets dark too early....
I'm a sunlight person...
need it on top of my head to charge my batteries...
fun times with my Hotrod this week...
his favorite question is "What's That?"
now I'm turning it on him...
I say I'm not tell me...
sometimes I wasn't even close to what he was talking about....they notice everything...
we went to the park this week...
climbed the big hill atleast 4 times...
he's like a little billy goat...
he can now start at the bottom
of the tunnel slide....
climb up it by himself...
then slide down...

I guess I need him to be my personal trainer...
you would think chasing around a 2 year old
would make you skinny...
so far...nope...must be the M thing....

This month is going by way to fast!!!!
How come the nights seems to go too fast too...
seems like I just lay my head to go to sleep...
the alarm is buzzing....
saying get up...

Early Voting has started....
Let your voice be heard....


TexWisGirl said...

we had a couple of those white ibis here this past month, too. just a few days, then passing through. very cool.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we are waiting for a cold front, 62 ato 64 and i hope it comes to chase the hurricane out into the atlantic. i love the veiw from your window at the top..

Bev said...

I can associate with you ramblings.... it's just the cold front I have problems with!! Enjoy your cool weather! I am heading less than 2 weeks for a bit...can hardly wait for that 'cool weather'

Susan said...

Yep, can't wait to vote!

Jeanie said...

I spent the day with a 2 year old...tiring but very fun. It is interesting to see what they notice-not always what we see first.
I turned my ballot in yesterday.

nancygrayce said...

They say we are getting a cold front, I'll believe it when I feel it!

Don't kids just love asking questions? :).

I love the birds on the pretty. And I love your new header, at least I hope it's new.......or I'm not very observant!

Michelle said...

Sounds like you and Hotrod are making some great memories together.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh oh, a feeding frenzy by the birds. I'd think hard, about that. :-)

Early voting hu? This concept flusters us. Yes, we can see it, if one will be out-of-town on Election Day, or elderly, or etc. A reason.

But guess some states don't require a REASON.

Flustered I tell ya'. We are. He looked it up on the Net last night. And we are still flustered.


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like he keeps you very busy. Be glad you can keep up with him, I don't think I could! I am doing my ballot this weekend.

A Colorful World said...

Ibis on the fence, sitting in a row....cute cute cute!

Carla said...

So those birds on the fence are called ibis. I've been seeing those in our yards around here. I wondered what they were. I hope to early vote tomorrow at lunch. We'll see.