Friday, October 19, 2012

 The weather was nice...
so we decided to do our Art outside...
on the patio...
after a little mishap getting paint on our britches...
Oma pulled out an old apron...
Hotrod was not too thrilled at first...
but he got accustomed to it...
seems this is a trend right now....
 a favorite new saying is "I don't want to"...
but after he tries it...he usually enjoys it...
we found some leaves on our adventure walk...
put paint on them then pressed them on paper...
he liked the leaves from the morning glories best....
because they are heart shaped...
 Today is a sad day for Texas...
Our BIG TEX that lives at the state fair..
caught on fire...
Big Tex fire....
I think all Texans have fond memories of our big guy...
I didn't get any good pictures of him this year...
it was a cloudy day when we went to the Fair...
I found this easel at a garage sale last weekend...
I got it...the table and two chairs...2 plastic golf clubs..
and a bag full of cars and truck...
for $12.00...
you can't beat that...
when he came in on Monday...
he said "Look what Oma got me...."
Now that is the best seal of approval....


TexWisGirl said...

i really like the morning glory heart in the lower left corner. very pretty art!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh wow! When they discover 'No' and variations on it!!! -grin-

How about an old T-shirt of Grandpa's? Perhaps that would seem more masculine to him? -giggggles-

Saw pic of that fire. Didn't pursue the story. So sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrry!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Old T-shirt, for protection from art-work, I mean! :-)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

OMA done good! what a deal that is. so sorry about big tex, i had never seen him, i went over and watched the video. he had been there all your life. maybe they will build him back.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The easel is perfect, way to go!
Love seeing his artwork and what a great idea using the leaves.

Linda said...

No, you sure CAN'T beat that!!

LD called out to tell me about Big Tex that morning. I was in the nursery but got to the TV in time to see it. My sister said that Big Tex is the paton saint of all things FRIED!! Never fear! He will be back - bigger and better!!

Still, such a shame.....

Anonymous said...

What fun! I never had a grandmother who did this. You're awesome, Deb! Yes, I heard about Big Tex and almost cried. Couldn't believe it. But I hear he will be resurrected - bigger and better than ever.

Judy said...

Don't blame him for liking the morning glory leaves the best - I love what you plural have done with them!!

Carla said...

Come on Oma finger painting is much more fun. LOL
I hope that when I have grandkids I can think of all these fun things to do. I may have send a message to all my experienced grannies for advice. Of course first the daughter has to find the man of her dreams. I'll wait no hurry. ;o)