Sunday, January 26, 2014

 All week I was looking forward to my girls night...
I had a head cold all week....
took meds all week trying to get rid of it...
nothing was going to stop this get together....
I found the flowers for my friends birthday...
Happy Birthday S G....
 I found these cute wine glasses at Dollar Tree...
so of course I had to get them.....
 we had snacks...drinks....
 did a little Valentine craft...
thank you dear Hubby for forming all the hearts for us....
he was our go to guy for the night....
making sure 9 girls were well taken care of...
this is the one my daughter made...
and I had a special guest.....
look at her awesome heart....
Linda is so much fun....
I am so happy to have her as a blog pal...
and a real life world pal...
Hubby had the best time talking to her...
all my friends loved her...
of course we got to hear a few quad stories....
we all shared our grandkid or grandniece stories....

Hubby kept a big fire going outside....
we got to sit around...stay warm...
tell lot's of stories from our high school days...
(5 of us went to high school together 6 including Hubby)
some that my Mom...ooops didn't know about....
and no Dad you can't ground me...
the statue of limitations is up....

I found gigantic marshmallows at Wally World...
my daughter brought the fixings for smores....

S G said this was better than a birthday cake....

sometimes blurry photos are cool...

 It was a fun night....lot's of laughs...
a good group of ladies...I am very proud to know....
we are definitely doing this more often....
by the time everyone left my head was hurting...
my right ear was hurting...
I had so wanted to go see my brother preach...
instead I was at the Dr. office...
good news I've lost 20 lbs since on Paleo....
bad news...Sinus infection..ear infection....
one big shot in the you know where...
3 different meds....
my kiddos went to church this morning...
also my BFF and her husband went....
I'm so happy they got to go....
I'm headed back to my heating pad....
tomorrow is a new day....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a fun time, love the wine glasses... and wow, the quad granma was there. how cool. everything looks beautiful and so sorry you had to get a shot in the oh no place

Michaele said...

I bet that evening will keep a smile in your heart for a long time. I can just hear all the chatter and laughter that must have been going on. Those meds should have kicked in by now. Hope your are feeling well soon.

Linda said...

What a good time we had! I had no idea you were feeling badly! Bless your heart! I tell you what - you DO know how to throw a good party! Loved the craft and the campfire and hearing all the stories of you and your friends!! I love how you have such a good group of long time friends! 'Make new friends but keep the old. Some are silver the other gold!' Hope you're feeling better!!

Carol said...

Sounds like an absolutely wonderful evening! I am jealous. :) Cute glasses, and the hearts turned out cute as well. Hope you wake up feeling wonderful! Take care of yourself.

Nancy's Notes said...

Hope you are feelng better this morning! What a fun party, everthing looks delicious too!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So sorry you missed your brother speaking. ((HUGS)) Hope your feeling better. Love the wine glasses and it looks like you had a fun get together.