Monday, January 20, 2014

I enjoyed Sandra's post about Happiness today...
go by and visit The Madsnapper
You won't regret it....

Happiness to kinda like beauty...
it is all in the eye of the beholder...

hap•pi•ness (ˈhæp i nɪs)


1. the quality or state of being happy.
2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

Watching Hotrod chew gum for the first time...
grinning from ear to ear....brought happiness to me....

Catching Hubbies eye from across the room...or crowd...
him giving me a wink and a silly smile....
brings happiness to me...

listening to my Mom tell stories about my 3 year niece...
knowing she is also remembering myself and my kiddos...
when we were that age...
hearing the joy and happiness in her voice...

seeing Hotrod build relationships....
learning new things from everyone...
that makes me happy...

seeing my daughter and her boyfriend together...
seeing the respect and love they have for each other...
that makes me Happy...


TexWisGirl said...

very sweet.

Nancy's Notes said...

Heartwarming post!

Nancy said...

It really is about the simple things, isn't it? :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

and this post about your happy makes me happy to... love those goats, they are a big dose of happy for me right now... the hubby across the room is priceless happiness

Tanna said...

yes! blessings ~ tanna

Michaele said...

Great attitude of gratitude. : )

Anonymous said...

Wonderful things you tell that bring you happiness. Happiness is all around us. Wonderful pictures. Love those little goats. It is always fun to see Hotrod having fun. Hugs

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Happy in the small things....LOVE

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your list of happiness and enjoyed the pictures. Love the cow!

Michelle said...

I think one has to decide if they are going to be happy or not.

Carla said...

I choose happiness. Nice post. Those little goats were adorable.