Friday, January 10, 2014

My poor Hotrod has an ear infection....
we took him to the Dr. today....
he has ear drops and antibiotics....
most likely caused from the cold he had with the strep throat
a few weeks ago...
 well I feel like I'm sitting in a movie theater...
Hubby is getting the most out of his new surround sound system...
watching his Friday night shows...
Gold Rush and Bering Sea Gold....
 I'm looking forward to our warm weekend...
the drizzle has stopped....
So ready for a little sunshine....
I'm looking forward to a little camera time...
haven't had much time for it this week....
I'm getting excited about my girls night out gathering...
seems like all of us made the same New Years resolution...
to make time for friends...not just talk about it...
something about crossing over the 50 mark...
makes you realize you should take all the opportunities
you have to spend time with friends and loved ones...
make plans...not just talk about making plans...
try new things....try old things....
if you love someone...TELL THEM....
if you miss someone...TELL THEM....
if you are concerned about them....CALL THEM....
ASK Questions....GIVE answers....
learn from 3 year olds....
they say what is on their mind..
they ask questions...
they don't try to figure out what someone is thinking...
which we usually get wrong....
just ask them....
I'm learning a lot from my Hotrod....


Tanna said...

And, without a doubt Hotrod is learning a lot from his very wise Oma. Look forward to hearing more about your GNO. A few new friends and I started one last year. It has been a good thing. You are so right... love everything you said, Deb. blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know i like that cowboy pic and no one better to learn from than HR.. he does look miserable and sick in the pic but still cute as a lady bug

TexWisGirl said...

sorry hotrod is sick again. i hate when one thing turns into another.

Jeanie said...

I hope Hotrod is feeling better soon.
Your resolutions are good reminders for all of us.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope Hotrod feels better soon and I enjoyed all the photos!

Linda said...

You are wise beyond your years!! Looking forward to Girls Night!!!

Judy said...

Glad the meds are working and Hotrod is feeling better!!! Can you imagine what life must have been like before antibiotics?