Wednesday, January 29, 2014

 today was a productive day....
I love days where I feel like I got things accomplished...
too many days...
I feel like I haven't....
 Hotrod is becoming a good helper...
today he pulled all the socks out of one basket...
put them in another one for me....
 Hubby bought me a new vacuum cleaner today...
I was trying to figure out how to work something on it...
Hotrod told me how to do it...
I was wondering how in the world he knew that...
then he said Mommies vacuum looks like yours....
recently we changed our cable plan...
still with the same company...
but changed our channels a bit...
well Hubby has found a whole new world of things to watch...
I'm not sure it was a good thing to change...
now we are watching 5 or 6 shows at the same time...
 we are still cold here in Texas....
we were at 17 this morning....
that is 17 degrees.....crazy....
 I sure hope that silly ground hog shows that spring is coming...
I don't like time to pass faster...
but I am ready for spring....
Hotrod is ready for playing in water weather...
he has been asking for the last two weeks...
we are fortunate here to have so many months of warmness...
he gets to play in water for 5 or 6 months at a time...
he remembers that too....
this kid loves playing in water...
but can not stand bath time....
Silly boy......


Carol said...

Precious little boy feet! And isn't that the truth for all little boys --- loving to play in the water but hating a bath!

Ramakrishnan said...

Hotrod is a charming kid. And smart too !Hope the extreme cold conditions go away soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love all the pieces of HR photos... your photos are getting better and better and better...17 brrrr we are at 49 this morning

Michelle said...

Hotrod knows what is going on! lol

Janie said...

Funny that Hotrod knew how to run your vacuum cleaner before you did! Kids are techno-amazing these days!