Thursday, January 30, 2014

 It warmed up a bit today....
so we took advantage of it....
Hubby had some road base dumped for a project...
Hotrod is taking advantage of it...
 a great place to drive a car....
 Come on Pawpaw...join us on the hill....
Poor Rooster is having to take break from his ball...
he has been limping a bit...
we can't find anything wrong with him...
so for now it's just chasing the ball...
there are so many things to do with a pile of rocks...
and dirt....
and lot's of photo ops for an Oma....


TexWisGirl said...

great fun!

the wind was fierce today, though!

Carol said...

That little boy was having fun!

Nancy's Notes said...

Now, that's a little boy having the time of his life! Great post!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are priceless.. love every single one of them...Jake limps to, and has for more than a year. hope rooster is better today

Anonymous said...

Your place is such a fun place for everyone. All children should have such love and fun in their lives. What a wonderful Oma you are and how blessed little Hotrod is to have such a fun and loving family. That last picture made me smile. Hugs

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Something about hills, boys and dogs just can't stay away! Cute pictures.