Thursday, January 2, 2014

 thought it was time to do a few "selfies" for the new year....
I have been making myself take them with my cell phone....
regularly....these I like better....
cause my camera gets most of the attention in the shot....

 my sweet niece has strep throat now...
please send up a little prayer for her....
I found out a young man my son grew up with....
is getting a sad...he has two beautiful daughters...
we are also friends with his Dad....
went to school with him....
he was in the military for the first part of their marriage...
gone months/year at a time....then when he was discharged...
he went back to the middle East to work....
he wanted to work over their because of the pay....
but I'm afraid he is paying the biggest price...
I wish more young people understood...
time with your family...
is much more important than...
new cars...big house....fancy clothes/ toys...
hard work is very important...
but if you are working all the time....
not spending any time with your family....
you pay a big price....


Michelle said...

I agree. There is nothing more important than time with your family.

TexWisGirl said...

your selfie is very camera-ish. :) i like your ladybug.

Ramakrishnan said...

Materialism has overtaken family values ! Sad indeed.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

very sad and so true that time is much better than money... i love the frog pic and of course the selfies..

Tanna said...

You are so very right, Deb. The BIGGEST price. So sad. Love your selfies AND all your other photos... you can tell you are at home behind that lens! blessings ~ tanna

Susan said...

You like the same selfies I do. :)

Judy said...

I love the ladybug in the bird feeder!!! The world looks so odd without snow...

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Good message. I'm so bad a selfies!

Carla said...

Time with family and friends is very important.
I like all the new Selfies. ;o)