Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hotrod had to stop at each one to measure....
he's growing fast...but not quite that fast....

 well I think I have Hubby talked into a couple of goats...
females...just for pets....
will probably be this spring...
he will have to build them a pen and shelter...
oh boy are we going to have fun....
especially Hotrod...
I'm thinking we will have plenty of volunteers...
to help out with the care...
so it won't interfere if Hubby and I want to slip off occasionally...

 when I've mentioned it in the past...
Hubby...being a man...
was trying to figure out how we could make money off them...
I made mention how some red dog we have...
doesn't make us any money...
not mentioning any names...
they would just be fun pets...
a learning experience for Hotrod...
 they do clear off fence lines....
are good fertilizers for the lawn....
and garden....

I asked my son if I could do his CD cover...
if he ever gets around to recording his music...
he actually agreed....hmmm you never know....

 a family friend keeps asking me...
if I ever thought about printing and framing some of my photos 
to sell....I told her I wouldn't know which ones to pick...
she said just pick a variety...
I've been thinking about doing that...
I'm always running across cool frames at Thrift stores...
garage sales...

 Brrrrr it is cold here in Texas today...
the wind is icy cold...
this weekend...back to warm again....

I changed my craft again for my girls night...
I found one that will be easy to do...
sitting around a fire...talking...laughing...
 working all at the same time....
no special skills required...
of course I will share photos next week...
My brother asked my Mom...
if she thought I might be able to make it to see him preach
on Sunday...she told him she didn't know...
but the invitation was given to me...
I'm hoping he will enjoy the surprise....
I've invited all my local folks to come...
hopefully there will be a big crowd for him....
Thank you for all the well wishes for Hubby...
he's still sore but much better today...
He fell off a chair a couple of weeks ago...
he was standing on it to hang something...
our floor is concrete and slippery...
the chair went out from under him...
he hit the floor...
hurt his wrist....banged himself up...
thankfully he didn't hit his head..
or we would have had a big hole in the floor...
lol...he has a very hard head....


TexWisGirl said...

you're allowed to keep goats where you live? wow! i figured hens, maybe, but goats?

Sarah said...

I agree with your friend. I think you should sell them. You would be amazed at the variety of prints people choose for their homes!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am sure your brother will love the surprise. Can't wait for the adventures of your goats!

Linda said...

My step son and his wife have 3 goats down at his ranch in Mart, Texas. They have such personalities!
I am SO looking forward to Saturday evening!!! SO??? What shall I bring in the way of craft supplies? You know.....I will be in Fort Worth tomorrow and VERY close to a Hobby Lobby!!!

Nancy said...

Good luck with the goats! I think I'll stick with my birds. :)

Tanna said...

That is an AWESOME photo of your handsome son, Deb. Great job. I'm excited for you to get goats!! =)

Have great fun this weekend! blessings ~ tanna

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know about the fall, that is a scary thing.. hope he is all better today. yipee on the goats...more phtoto ops... how about a milk goat and you can sell the milk and makes goat cheese... LOL... pet is fine for me... i love all your shots of the goats.....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

p.s. what red dog? BOL
love the portrait of your son. beautiful.

Nancy's Notes said...

Great little shot of your adorable son! Will be waiting to read goat stories!