Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hump Day...oh boy what a day....

 Today started off with a bang...
Hubby forgot to set the alarm...
Nolan over slept...He is our back up....
he scratched at the door to go out...
I looked out the window...
way more day light than usual...
found my glasses...looked at the time...
7:18......oh boy....
woke up Hubby...
 ran to brush my teeth...
looked in the mirror...
well my hair was standing straight up on my head...
should have been a clue...(go back to bed)....
only had a few minutes to get myself pulled together...
before Hotrod and crew showed up for work...
let's just say I was thrown together...

 Hotrod helped me make up the bed...
then off to the office we headed...
with phone calls to make...appointments to be scheduled...
by this time Hotrod is ready for his 2nd breakfast...
he eats something small before he comes...
then he is hungry again a little latter...
today was waffles...2 of them....
more phone calls...
fix my breakfast...
Hotrod eats half my eggs...
 Hubby came in the office...
we were discussing jobs of the day and such....
he got a spasm in his shoulder blade...
at the time I did not know what it was...
he was in such pain he could not talk...
was trying to catch his breath...
 when Hubby is in pain...he paces...tries to walk it off...
I convinced him to sit down....
it hurts he is up pacing...
I'm asking questions...he's not really answering...
in my head I'm terrified he is having a heart attack...
I mention an ambulance...NO WAY...
so finally he settles down...
tells me where he is hurting...
Hotrod was a champ through it all...
he was rubbing his Pawpaws back...
being very calm and helpful...
we both tried to keep everything calm...
as not to scare him...
Hotrod said "Pawpaw you should lay on your bed"
we can watch Super Why till you feel better...
so they off they went...
it helped too...
Thankfully the day got better...
Hotrod wanted to paint today...
it is fast and furious when he paints...
but so much fun....
he asked me to move one of his paintings from his room...
to my office...he thought it would look better there...
so I did...when his Aunt came into work...
he had to show her...he said...
"Don't you think it looks much better there"
with a big grin...
oh that boy...he can sure turn a day around...


TexWisGirl said...

i do hope hubby will be okay and it was just a muscle spasm or something! glad you managed to make it thru the day!

Carol said...

Hotrod is such a cutie! I miss watching Super Why with my granddaughter! Sure hope it was just a muscle spasm.

Michelle said...

What a wonderful component to your day, he is.

Nancy's Notes said...

What a day! I love your chats about Hotrod! Hope your hubby is feeling better.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a way to start the day. hope that was something caused by all the extreme cold he is working in... keep watch on him, men just dont know when to go to a doctor. i have to drag bob. love that goat pic and HR is just to darn cute..

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a day you had! So sweet of Hotrod to suggest laying in bed...
too cute! Love the pictures.