Sunday, January 5, 2014

It was a fun night last night....
even starting at a late hour....

the band played mostly 80's music...
not my favorite....
but I got caught up in the fun of it all...
it was good to spend time with my friend...

we didn't get home till about 2:45 am....
so according to my Dad...
I'm grounded for a week...
can't go out with that wild boy for a week...
All the Hubbies and boyfriends were the
designated drivers last night...
so us girls could have  a glass of wine or a beer...
the guys were a little bored with it all...
but they were troupers and let us girls have fun....

one of the band members...
he was the bass player...
was someone from high school days...
he was best friends with my friends Hubby....
I haven't seen him in years...
I never would of thought of him being in a band...
it was good to see him...
we gave him a hard time...
the other band members were jumping and kicking...
doing all kind of crazy stuff while performing...
he was really mellow...playing the bass...

we managed to get a few dance moves and jumps....
out of him before we left...
funny how we are all Grandparents now...
pulling out the grand kids photos....
fun times....
It was a nice day yesterday....almost warm.... is freezing again...
Darn old Man Winter....


TexWisGirl said...

glad you had a good time. :) yes, this 'nip' in the air is only going to get worse for a few days.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds fun and darn old man winter is coming here to Florida starting tomorrow afternoon. hope he passes on through quickly. love the rusty burner

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a great evening, sounds like a lot of fun to me! I do like 80's music and love that the guys were the designated drivers.

Michaele said...

All that fun and you didn't bring your camera!?

Linda said...

That sounds like so much fun!!! You are always doing cool stuff!!

Ramakrishnan said...

Looks like you had great fun and an incredible night out !

Michelle said...

That does sound like a lot of fun!

Judy said...

I love that last image - all the little waves coming to shore!!!
With school, I am not able to handle beeing with a lot of other people, but glad you had a good time!!!