Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5 things

tagged me....
you are suppose to share 5 things that everyone doesn't know about you....so I thought it might be fun...
If you get a chance go by and visit Sarah...
she lives on a farm....
has 3 beautiful girls...
is an amazing photographer...
  1. I never flew in an airplane until I was in my 30's....I thought I would be so scared....we flew from Dallas to Houston...then drove to Galveston for a little fun...Guess what???I wasn't scared...then we flew from Dallas to Colorado...then from Colorado to Wyoming...the flight to Wyoming was on what they called a puddle jumper...didn't scare me at all.....I haven't flown a lot....but I don't mind it...can't believe I waited so long to do it...Hubby and I even flew in a WWII bomber...now that was fun....Night Flight click on the link to see my post....
  2. I'm terrified of mice and rats....I've been known to knock my own children down to get away from them....when we first moved in to our house we were all standing around our bar area...a mouse ran across the kitchen floor...I plowed through both my children straight out the front door....told hubby to get rid of it...or I was moving out....Hubby being the jokester that he is bought a rubber rat...it is very real looking...put it under my covers one night...I screamed...both Schnauzers got under the bed...I slept on the couch....the rat became Hotrods pal...Whitey...I got over being scared of it...but you get a real one around me...brother (or sister) you better move back...
  3. I was 7 or 8 before I learned to ride a bike with out training wheels...I had a fear of falling off...our neighbor...Mr. Cook...taught me how...his driveway was a bit of a hill....he started me at the top....then let me go....I didn't want to fall on the gravel...so I pedaled....my son learned to ride a bike at 4 years old...just a few weeks after his birthday....my daughter was a late bloomer too...she about 7...her problem was she liked watching what everyone else was doing...not where she was going....
  4. My first real job was at The County Seat at the mall....they sold jeans...shirts...etc....that was in the late 70's and corduroy was really popular...I was the youngest worker there...so I didn't really fit in with everyone...they were all 19-22...I was 16...my next job was as a hostess at Del Taco....they had just came to Texas from California...it was okay....but not really my kind of job either...next I went to work at the YMCA as a camp counselor...which was fun...I always ended up with all the boys...ages 7-9...I guess they gave me training for Hotrod...that fall I went to work for the after school program...I worked with the 3 and 4 year olds in the morning...drove a van to pick up the school kids..then worked with them after school...I really loved this job...but of course the money wasn't too great...
  5. I drive a Ford F-350 flat bed truck...yep...it's a big ole pickup...and I am 4 ft11 (stretching out as much as possible) I get all kinds of funny looks when I step out of Bubba...and get lots of comments especially from men...I love driving a pickup...always have...I can also drive my Hubbies...big ole diesel Dodge truck...it is a 5 speed...I'm not really good at the backing up part...it's just so big...and the whole changing gears thing...but going forward I'm pretty good at it....when we take road trips...we have a deal...Hubby drives there...and I drive home...so sometimes when we are in his truck...I dread the drive home...but I'm getting more comfortable with it....
so there you go...5 things about Deb....now
I'm supposed to pick 5 people to do the same...so....
I've picked.....
Auntie at Auntie Sezzzzzz
Sandra at Madsnapper 
 Judy at Lilac Gate
if you haven't visited these ladies before...
stop by an say Howdy...tell them the lady bug sent ya...
If you don't want to play along...just let me know....


TexWisGirl said...

laughing at you plowing over your own children to escape a mouse or rat! :)

and you go with you big pick-up driving self...

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Fun Deb! I used to LOVE to shop at County Seat! It was THE PLACE to get jeans! So funny!

Michelle said...

I don't like mice either!! lol

nancygrayce said...

I'm still afraid of flying! If my grands didn't live across the country, I wouldn't!!

I hate mice and rats too, even dead ones!

You drive a big truck.....your husband drives a bigger truck....I think it's great you can drive them both!

It was nice learning things about you I didn't know, have a great rest of your week

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the rats and mice don't scare me but look out if there is a spider around. i have this picture of tiny you climbing out of Bubba and everyone with their mouth dropped open...i like getting to know you better and all of this is a part of what made you YOU...i will try to do this but don't know when. thinking now.

Jeanie said...

We might run over each other getting away from a mouse. :)
Kudos to you for being willing to drive your husbands big truck.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was fun. I love the facts you shared and it's always fun learning new things about your friends!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Whooo-hooooo... "Little Lady" driving a truck!!! Not THAT is sexy!!!!

Thank you for picking me, but I've never done any of these "Things Not Known, About Me." They are usually things, which....... I could be black-mailed for, if I told. lol.

pbrenner said...

I LOVE driving trucks! Before I moved back to Texas (from my 23 year exile in Arizona), I would come visit my Texas family over the summers. I *always* used my husband's truck - a 1998 Chevy Silverado - nothing big and fancy, I just didn't want to be driving around Texas in a car, lol.
