Wednesday, May 1, 2013

on Monday a friend called...
he wanted Hubby to go fishing with him...
he is a Bass...crappy fisherman....
I told Hubby..GO...
you will have fun....
we can handle things while your gone...
so Hotrod and I dropped him off at the lake...
Hotrod was not thrilled about leaving Pawpaw at the lake...
without us....
well they kept 49 fish....
and he had a good time....
(I think he felt a little guilty for leaving me behind)
 lure fishing is not my kind of fishing...
I'm a worm or minnow girl....
after Hotrod left I went to get a pedicure....
oh did it feel good...
then I got my bangs trimmed...
enjoyed a little alone time....
 we are enjoying another 80 degree day today...
we are dropping temps again....
a chance of rain tomorrow....
 my poor Mom is having really bad allergies this year...
her and my little niece must be allergic to the same thing...
they seem to get it at the same exact time....
My Mom is a trouper though..she doesn't let it stop her...
she did go to the Dr....
hopefully she will be back to normal soon....
this guy was doing a little dance back and forth....
till he caught himself lunch....

 found this on Facebook....
I decided I would give it a try...
so today is Day one...
50 squats...
I'm going to do them in 5 sessions of 10...
I will let you know tomorrow if I can walk....or sit...
wish me luck....
let me know if you want to join in...
we can encourage each other....
why torture ourselves alone....
misery loves company...
no pain no gain....
you get the point...


Bev said...

Great fish!!.... You could be stiff:)

Linda said...

I want to join you!! I didn't see that on Facebook!

What a fine mess of fish you have! Poor Louis Dean! He loves to fish and doesn't have the least idea HOW! He has caught one or two small 'fish' since we've been married.

Sorry about Judy's allergies! That can be brutal in Texas!

Hoping for yet one more 'last' fireplace sit tomorrow!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so when is the fish fry... sorry to hear about the allergies... i have been sneezing my head off, which is usually what i do in March, just late this year. the squats are great and they work, bob has done them for years and years, all the years we have been married. i can't do them because of my knees but i would if i could. they make your legs strong and keep you healthy and walking.

TexWisGirl said...

i don't do squats (hard on my knees) but i do lunges. trust me - when you can't even lift yourself off the toilet seat, be sure someone's there to help you... :)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Frozen fish, for a while!

Oh my, if I did ONE squat, I'd never get back up again! -grin- Good luck!

Happy May!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks like he had a great time fishing. Glad you got out and got a pedicure. Copied that squat chart, wonder if I can do it!

Janie said...

Good luck on the exercise. That looks ambitious.
That's a lot of fish! Must've been a fun trip, but I can see the allure of a little alone time.

Michelle said...

I need to join you on the squat challenge!

Susan said...

Oh are you gonna be sore! But I support your challenge! You go girl!

Judy said...

I hope he cleaned the fish for you!!! I would do the squat challenge, except for this bad hip of mine... But it is getting better!!!