Sunday, May 5, 2013

Following a little boy around.....

little boys don't need fancy...expensive toys....
a container full of sand...
can mean hours of fun...

throw a dog in the mix...
well all kinds of fun can be had....

add a dog that will chase a tennis ball....
tons of fun for both....

little hands like to explore....
touch everything in sight...
some things...well.... that call for instant hand washing....
the more they explore...the better it is....


Cherrie said...

So true!

Dolores said...

Precious pictures and memories. I love the look the dog is giving HotRod

MadSnapper n Beau said...

priceless memories here and I love the jeans shot best of all. such sweet little hands.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds perfect, I bet he just has the best days with you.

Judy said...

I love the shadow in that first image!!

Tanna said...

Great shots!! Precious Hotrod!