Thursday, May 30, 2013

 we had thunder storms again yesterday afternoon and evening...
a welcome prayer for Texas...
the lawn guys came yesterday before it all hit...
so my yard got a nice haircut...
then a nice shower...
I talked to the owner Mr. C.....
his business is doing great with the weather we have had...
 yesterday Hotrod and I were headed out the door...
we heard a lot of squacking...and carrying on...
"What is that noise Oma"
it was a bit of a disagreement...
between a blue jay...and a couple of mocking birds...
we have a mocking bird nest in one of our trees along the fence...
I'm guessing the blue jay got a little to close...
well blue jays are stubborn....
mocking birds are stubborn....
there was a lot of fussing going on...
of course I didn't have my camera with me...
 the mocking birds are busy ones...
they have been chasing the dogs a bit too...
just letting them know to stay clear of that area...
I'm anxious to see the baby birds when they take off...
we have a lot of Starling nests to...
it is a constant flight of bug carrying birds...
to feed the babies...and the babies are constantly crying...
isn't Mother Nature grand....
This bird was at the lake....
I'm not sure what it is...
But I bet Texwis Girl will know...
she is our Texas Bird expert...
if you haven't visited her before...
stop in...she has a pond at her place
that attracts a lot of water fowl...
bird feeders that attract beautiful birds...
and a few misfit Tree Rats....
her dogs and horses are beautiful....
you won't regret stopping by...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i like those first flowers, the centers look purple... beautiful and so is the second one... makes me snap happy when i look at it... glad you got rain. we got 2 inches day before yesterday, and are hoping for more. but not as much as south Texas got.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Glad you got rain, but no damage.

Area damage here, but we only lost power a while.

Love wild flowers.

TexWisGirl said...

looks like an eastern phoebe. :) have one singing to me outside my window at this very moment: fee-BEE FEE-bee. :)

we hardly got a sprinkle yesterday.

TexWisGirl said...

oh, and thank you!!!

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

Wonderful photos and glad you got the rain!

Tanna said...

yes, we knew Tex would know!! Great photos, Deb.

Bev said...

I love that old fence.... and mockingbirds...have only heard them once and loved the different sounds:))

Carla said...

LOL yes I know all about mockingbirds
I just wrote about all the birds and babies on my blog. Well momma mockingbird swooped down and hit me in the head when was looking in her nest. I was expecting turquoise blue and brown speckled eggs but found babies instead.