Friday, May 24, 2013

Random Five Friday

 Today I'm joining Nancy with A Rural Journal
for Random Five Friday....
so here goes....
 1.  growing up I was really shy...I felt more comfortable
with adults....instead of kids my own age....but I was
always watching out for younger kids...I was a little
mother hen making sure everyone was in the right place...
when I met my hubby...he got me over my shyness...
he never met a stranger...and never does to this day...
2.  I never learned to swim...I like water...I'm not really afraid of water...I just don't want to put my head under water...I had
a bad experience when I was Redcross swimming lessons...
the instructor shoved my head under water....I came up choking...
and crying...she's lucky my Mom didn't drown Mom
had quite the temper in those kids never knew I couldn't
swim until they were older...I didn't want them to fear water...
3.  I learned to drive a stick shift in my early 20's...Hubby
bought me a little car from his brother...helped me put our 3 year old son's car seat in it....showed me the gears...and sent me
to drive it home...I had never driven a stick before...had my
baby in the back seat...but we took off...a lot of jerking...
a lot of car dying...a lot of restarting...a few tears...from
me not my son...but we made the 2 mile trip home all in one
piece....I'm amazed the clutch lasted...
4.  We are in the middle of potty training at our house
(Hotrod) there is much discussion about potty...
and the other business around here...I spend a lot of time sitting
in the bathroom floor while he does his business reading...making
quick runs to the potty...of course now he tells me...
Oma I need to potty...but we don't need to run...we've got time...
it's okay Oma...we don't need to run...
one nice thing about little boys...when you are outside playing...
you don't have to make a mad dash inside...if you know what I mean...boys (Men) just love the freedom of tinkling outside...
5.  I want to thank all the Military folks...the ones serving..
the ones who have served...the families and loved ones..
of these wonderful folks...without you...where would we be??
Thank you...and God Bless you....
Have a safe Memorial Days weekend...


Stephanie said...

I can really identify with your stick shift experience. It took me forever to learn and three teachers gave up.

TexWisGirl said...

i learned to drive on an automatic (big, family sedan) but my first car was a stick shift and every car thereafter... :)

like those squiggles.

Judy said...

I love those tendrils!!! I am doing better every day. I can sit at the computer for over an hour now before I start to hurt...

Karen Lakis said...

I had a tough time learning to drive a stick. If I had to learn it on my own, I probably would have left the car on the side of the road and walked home. I did learn, though, but my next car was automatic. I don't care if i never drive another stick. Your husband sounds like a friendly guy - a good match for so done who is shy. Have a nice weekend!

Fran said...

Love your little short stories. I also peeked at your last post where Hotrod is painting. One of my Random Five is about my little grand son trying his hand at painting, but his paint brush was loaded.

Nancy said...

Your hubby sounds like mine -- he can talk to anyone about anything. Me -- not so much. Opposites attract I guess. :)

nancygrayce said...

Your stick shift experience reminded me of the day I learned to drive a stick shift. The year I took driver's Ed, the teachers were on strike! We only got to drive on the course one day and the only car available for my group was a stick shift. I was determined to drive and one of the boys in class taught me how to change gears and I've never forgotten!

Good for HotRod! It's so nice once they're potty trained!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i will start with the important stuff first. I am soooo jealous and have been since i was 5 and my 4 year younger than me brother started using a bottle in the car and using the tree in the back yard. i want to do that TOOOOO. darn being a girl.

my brother went to Vietnam at age 18 and i was 23 with 2 babies. he had a stick shift 1950 chevy, 3 on the tree. we only had one car. he said if you can learn to drive the stick you can keep my car while i am gone. i did what you did, lots of jerking going on, but i did get to keep it for more than a year.

i can't swim and am terrified of water, not a pool, i can float on my back and navigate with arms and legs in a pool, but large bodies of water i do not get in or on... no idea why, but i will not put my face in the water.

are those twirlies passion flowers?

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have surprised me about not being able to swim! I loved driving stick shift. Potty training is a big step. Can't imagine where we would be today without the people who keep us safe.
Enjoy your weekend.

Janie said...

I love the curliecues of the plants.
I learned to drive in a VW bug, and I remember the challenge of learning how to time the clutch.
My granddaughter has just finished the potty training phase. It's nice to have that accomplished.
Glad you don't have to run to the potty anymore!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

1. I was a quiet child too. Not that you'd believe it now.

2. Never learned to swim. 'Back at the beginning of time,' my father got a slight case of polio. and parents never let me go swimming because they though you could catch it, that way.

3. I learned to drive at 16, on a stick shift. my father was in the state police and he felt all should know how to drive a stick shift.

4. Potty training is going on next door, as I have said!!! And yes, summer is cool for boys and potty training. !!!!!!!!!! No problem! Here, we just have to impress them, that they have to go out of the pool area!

5. Agreed! Thanks to all who have fought and died for our Freedom.

Linda said...

#1. I was shy as a child, too!! I still AM!
#2. I never learned to swim for the same reason. I don't like getting water in my nose,ears and eyes and I don't want to get my hair wet!
#3. I do well to drive an automatic!
#4. Potty training will come! Times FOUR! That will NOT be pretty! Summer is training Raynie now.
#5. Amen!!

amanda said...

I was a shy child, too.. and also never really learned to swim! I was a wader, and if necessary a doggy paddler.
I have four boys, and just one girl.. I certainly understand about the greatness of outdoors in that department!
We live in the country, in the woods, so I had to teach my boys as they became preschoolers that they could NOT just pull down their shorts and pee on the playground or by a tree as needed. :)

Susan said...

I learned stick shift from my boyfriend too.