Wednesday, May 29, 2013

 my son was out in the lake for a swim...
he got tangled up in something...
he pulled on the line...
a fish was attached to fishing line...
it had a hook in its mouth....
 he hollered at us...I caught a fish....
he pulled the hook out of it's mouth...
it had a decaying minnow on it...
when we saw the hook and weight..
we was one of my hubbies...
he ties his different than most...
evidently this poor fish is one that broke the line...
a couple of weeks ago...
 Hotrod had to see it...
then son let it go...
hopefully to grow bigger and old...
lucky fish...
can't believe it is hump day already.....
I feel so's amazing how one day off...
can throw you so far behind...


TexWisGirl said...

poor fish! unlucky then lucky!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a FOR REAL Fish Story!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Well that was certainly a coincidence with the fish being one of your husbands that got away! Hope the fish is doing well. Love the flowers.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Poor fish. Being with the hook in his mouth, and the decaying minnow, on it. -sigh-

Can you tell, I've never fished. ,-)

Anonymous said...

Well that was some fish story but this one was for real. Someone one was a Detective . I wonder where the owner upper was.

hmmmmmmmmmmmm reconized the way the hook was tied on . That is observaations alreight.
Now that is a real detective story.

Susan said...

I'm glad you let it go, gave it a chance to get bigger! You are right about how one day can set you back.

Michelle said...

How crazy is that?!

Just Mags said...

Amazing and what a lucky fish. Nice pictures as always. Hugs

Diana LaMarre said...

Now what are the odds of that happening?!! Great fish story.

Masshole Mommy said...

LOL - awesome story!