Tuesday, May 21, 2013

 I've been in a funk lately....
do you ever have that happen....
where you just don't feel like yourself....
last week it happened to me....
I was having sinus issues....I just didn't feel up to par...
but it was more than that....
when I looked in the mirror....
I saw a tired old lady.....so I avoided the mirror...
then no matter what clothes I put on...
they didn't feel right...to tight...itchy...
to loose in one spot....the color felt yucky....
I was hot...I was cold....I was sneezing...
I was stopped up....I was weepy...I was ...
just not me.....no matter how hard I tried....
it wasn't an all day thing....it just kept creeping in on me....
I would try to distract myself....
back it would come....
Saturday morning I got up...started doing chores...
I was feeling a bit over whelmed by them all...
seems like I was behind on everything....
Hubby came in from working....said let's go to lunch....
a break would do me good...
so I had to get cleaned up...put on real clothes...
not work around the house clothes...
I got dressed....washed my face...brushed my hair...and teeth...
put on mascara....(hadn't had any on all week cause of the sneezing)
Hubby said...You sure look nice....
well let me tell you....that just made my day....
that one little sentence and a hug...
chased away the yuckies...

isn't it funny how we can get so down on ourselves...
and a look....a sentence...a hug from someone...
can just turn it all around....
a laugh from a little one....
or a big slobbery kiss from your fur babies...
can make all the difference in the world....

my thoughts and prayers go out to the folks in Oklahoma...
what a terrible thing to go through...
we are under warnings today here in Texas...
the schools have released early....so kids can get home...
so families can be together...
after the storms that have hit recently...
I think folks are taking warnings a bit more serious...

I'm disappointed I had to stop my squat challenge at 140 squats...
I pulled something in my hip stepping out of my truck...
it is better now...so I'm going to restart the challenge...
on June 1st....that is another reason I was in a funk...

we have a busy month and a half coming up...
Son and DIL closing on their house this week...
they will paint this weekend...then move the next...
I'm going to miss a family reunion I was looking forward to...
but...my kiddos come first....
the following week we have graduations to go to....
June we have my nieces wedding which is out of town...
Hotrod has his first dance recital....this will be my daughters
21st recital....Hotrod turns 3 in June....
lots of activities coming up....
The rain has started....looking dark outside...
winds up to 60 miles an hour headed our way...
have the TV on for up dates...
Stay safe everyone...


TexWisGirl said...

hug your hubby back from me, would you? :)

we had the worst wind storm here last night. no rain or lightning, though. have been watching the clouds all day hoping for rain.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am praying for you and for your area and for Teresa to... so glad your hubby said the magic words... and that you are back to your normal you.... you do have a lot coming in the next few weeks, so keep hubby handy with lots of sweet words...i love the mud pie making. that was a favorite thing for me, i loved wading in mud puddles and making mud pies. i did that until i was 12

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I'm so glad he said that to you. We do need to hear it! Love your photos today. Hotrod sure does have fun times with you. Wow, you have some busy times ahead. Sounds like fun!

nancygrayce said...

It's easy to get down....and just a little encouragement can help so much! Sweet husband!

Please stay safe!

Saimi said...

It's the little things...such as a hug...that makes all the difference! My prayers are with those in Oklahoma, how devastating, how sad.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh I so know that down in the funk feeling Deb.
I have had it lately too.
But it sounds like you have a lot to look forward to and that little guy sure is growing!
Stay safe with the storms, they are really scary indeed.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

We worry about our pals, in bad weather areas......

Stay safe!

Lovely how "a little thing," can turn our mood around. :-)


Linda said...

You are just human and we all have days like this. I struggle with the mirror and am trying to grow old gracefully. I told Summer not long ago - enjoy what you see NOW! It's part of living and growing and totally normal. YOU, my dear, are beautiful INSIDE AND OUTSIDE!!! You make a difference in so many people's lives. You matter! "You is kind. You is smart. You is beautiful." Never EVER forget that!!

Susan said...

Isn't it wonderful to have just the right words said to lift you up! You are a wonderful woman. Please be careful with all the storms going around!

Michaele said...

If only life didn't have it's flip sides. But wait - then you may have never gotten out of your funk. It's all part of it. Lots to look forward to coming up. Take time for you.

Judy said...

Cornflowers!!! Yeah!!!
I know what you mean about feeling yucky! There was a couple of weeks when I thought I was getting all gussied up if I put a bra on...

Carla said...

Isn't it great when the someone says just the right thing and the clouds part and you can see sunshine at least for the moment.

Hope you're feeling better. I'm a tad behind on my reading as usual.