Friday, May 31, 2013

Random 5 Friday

 Today I'm joining RANDOM 5 FRIDAY
Thank you Nancy for hosting....
 1.  I love watermelon...especially seedless watermelon...
when I was little I didn't want to eat it...I thought the seeds
were bugs...My Mom would have to pull out the seeds...
sweet Mom...
2. I decided to have a little fun with PicMonkey....
Sandra...the Madsnapper inspires me....

3.  My Mom's family is having a reunion this weekend...
I won't be able to go...helping Hotrod and family move...
to their new Home....last year I took some of my photos...
framed them for the silent auction....I was pleased that they
sold quickly...before I found out about the move...I had
decided I would do that again this year...
when I found out I couldn't go...I thought I would go
ahead and send some with my Mom...I started looking
through my thousands upon thousands of photos..
trying to pick out a few that I thought everyone would like...
I was over told my Mom I wouldn't be sending any...
she said your photos are beautiful...just randomly pick a few...
so I just bit the bullet...picked out a few...
they are being printed at Walgreens...
why are we so critical of our work?

4.  Today is the first birthday of Linda at Linda's life journey
Quad grand kiddos....what an amazing year it has been
for her family....Happy Birthday Harrison...Trysten...
Kailey...and Logan....
they all live in my town....

 5.  I'm ready for a weekend getaway....either at the cabin...
or camping...I'm thinking the end of June we maybe able
to sneak away....Hubby and I need a little R & R....
If you get a chance go by and visit my Blog Pals...
they are great Gals...


TexWisGirl said...

you and sandra just have to meet up some time! :)

love the old tractor! good luck with the move this weekend. very exciting for them!

Mary said...

Wow! Quads. :). What fun.

I love watermelon too. So sweet and refreshing in summertime!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

YOu are still young enough, to be critical of your photos. Believe me, when you get older, you'll drop that stuff.

If it looks good, it looks good. That's all there is to it!!

Good luck with all the moving, this weekend! Exciting!

Lynn said...

Watermelon without seeds? I love that tractor shot...we usually are our own worst critque-why?? and yes, happy move, it can be fun but full of work.

Kay said...

I love you pictures. Speaking of "seedless" watermelon. Last time I went shopping I bought one of those so-called seedless small melons that are about the size of a bowling ball. When I opened it up, there were a lot of seeds on it even though the sticker on it read "seedless".

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you are getting another few days off.. you deserve it.. and that is really cute from picmonkey, but then you knew I would like it... i am my worst critic to... sometimes i do a post and think i will just delete that i don't really like it and 9 times out of 10 people go crazy over it and i go back and look to see what they see.

Susan said...

Wonderful post Deb!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

love the tractor shot. ( :
hope you get a break real soon.

barbara l. hale said...

I hear you loud and clear on the inability to pick out photos for the auction and such. I have the same problem. I often think that things that appeal to me don't have general appeal, but I just sort of close my eyes and pick. Usually seems to work out...

Nancy said...

Can I go camping with you? I need a vacation too. I will bring my own tent. Unless you want me to stay in yours. Lol.

Wonderful random 5 Deb. So happy you could join in today. xo

LisaS said...

Like your shots! -and have a great day ;)

nancygrayce said...

Sorry you'll miss the reunion. Hot Rod is so cute as always!!!

When I was a child my grandmother would freeze watermelon juice in Tupperware glasses and we would eat them like slushies! Loved those and it is a fond memory!!

Jim said...

Hi Deb ~~ I like your old tractor in the shed picture.

My blog's seedless watermelon, the one on the left, was from Hill Country Farms, BUT GROWN IN MEXICO. It was the awfullest (more impactful than "most awful") watermelon I have eaten. They didn't care one bit that the others were like mine, they just gave me my money back and essentially said "shut up."

Linda said...

I love watermelon too!! I used to could a whole HALF all my myself! But I swallow the seeds. Always have. My mother told me I would GROW watermelons if I kept swallowing the seeds! It has been a long time since I ate a yellow meated watermelon. It is on my Bucket List!

Thanks for thinking of the Quads! It has been an adventure and YOU have been there every step of the way. Your mom was the very first person I told about the quad pregnancy. You remember, Amber had sworn me to secrecy!!

Your pictures are awesome and a gift of talent! Never doubt yourself! If YOU like it - it IS good! WE love ALL of them!!!!

Diana LaMarre said...

Sorry u will miss the reunion, Deb. I bet they will all love the pics you randomly selected.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Yes Madsnapper sure has fun with PicMonkey. You do take great pictures, your mom is right! Hope you can have the getaway soon, they are always fun.