Wednesday, May 22, 2013

 my yellow squash is really growing this year....
I don't think last year ever got this big...
 my first tomato is getting bigger...
we are getting more blooms every day....
 Hotrod is always working on his car....
a boys work is never done....
 the sun was out was a beautiful day here in Texas...
we started off cool....but warmed up quickly...
but not unbearable....
 the seeds that Hotrod and I planted are really growing...
on the left are Sunflowers...on the right are Zinnias...
Hotrod likes to measure them every day.....


Bev said...

WOW can't believe you plants are so big!!

TexWisGirl said...

the plants in the pots are really cool for you and him. :)

it was a pleasant day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the water drops falling in the pot... woo hoo can't wait to see the sunflowers

Michelle said...

Love that he measures the plants.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Can't wait to see the Sunflowers! Cute pictures of Hotrod. We have seven tomatoes on our bush but we did buy a large one from Costco so it's moving fast. I think they will ripen when I'm out of town at my dad's :(

Judy said...

I am going to assume that the tornadoes have not been in your part of Texas!!! I was worrying about you while I was at Mom's...
Here, we have only gotten to frost free days...