Friday, May 10, 2013

Random Five Friday...

Today I'm joining Random Five Friday
with Nancy at A Rural Journal...
 1.  we aren't camping this weekend....the rain (much needed)
it is just too muddy to camp...we drove out there this morning
to check...a camper took the spot we plan 2...
we are going to spend the day out there Saturday with my Mom...
Sunday with the kids and Hotrod....2 days at the lake...
but home to a comfortable non muddy bed at night...I can
handle that....hopefully soon we will be able to camp...
 2.  My Son and DIL will be closing on their house soon...not trying to jinx it...but they should be moving in by the end of the month...
keep saying a prayer if you don't know how closings can be....they will be in our same town....
 3.  my daughter has found a place...not the one I was hoping for
which was just around the corner....but she is happy with it...and it
is not an apartment....Hatari will have a yard...and playmates....
A Boxer and 3 cats....she will still be in the same area she lives in now....
4.  I'm on day 10 of my squat challenge...105 squats today...
I'm thinking I notice a little less jiggle in my legs and
hiney....could be just wishful thinking....but it's got to be
doing some good...right....just smile and nod....
5.  I want to wish you all a wonderful Mother's Day....I hope
your day is as special as you are....


TexWisGirl said...

absolutely, those muscles are tightening! absolutely no doubt! good going!

and glad you'll still have your weekend outdoors - in comfort. :)

Nancy said...

Well go you! I did some yard work today -- does that count? :) Happy Mom's Day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am smiling I am nodding and I am shouting happy mothers day and sorry you have to sleep in your bed. LOL

Jim said...

Hi Neighbor ~~ Good that your kids stay in the same town as you. Four of our five are here in the Houston area.

Welcome to Random 5. I joined last week and almost didn't make it today. I got lost because of Nancy's blogging moves.

Michelle said...

Prayers for the home closing. I know it will be nice to have them so close by.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i enjoy squats but wonder how to make them not do a number on my knees. ( :
have a good weekend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like some wonderful weekend plans. Way to go on those squats. I started doing a Jane Fonda walk each morning. I can only do about 13 minutes of it but it's a start!
Happy Mother's Day!

Alica said...

I'm glad you've had some rain! There are so many areas that have struggled with drought, and rain is such a blessing, although it sure can mess up our plans! :) Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Mother's Day!

Catch My Words said...

Happy Mother's Day to you too. We used to have such fun camping, but it's been years since we've gone.

Sandy said...

Such lovely roses, you must have quite the green thumb. I smiled and rubbed my knee reading about your squats. The arthritis wouldn't like doing squats I can tell you that. Nice the moves seem to be falling into place. Happy Mothers Day to you too.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

The scratched camping trip must be sad. But I know you in TX, would never say NO to rain.

Have a lovely weekend, as it works out.


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Mmmmm... A thought.... Should everyone in TX, plan on camping trips? And thus, perhaps bring rain?

Use 'Murphy's Law' and all that jazzz.


Hey, it's worth a try! :-)

nancygrayce said...

Sorry about the camping trip, but a tent in the mud.....I think you made a very wise choice!

Praying your son's closing goes well and they are soon in their home. AND that your daughter will love her new place, sorry it's not closer :(

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Linda said...

Do you camp at Cedar Hill?
We are still spending our days fixing up the house and yard. When it gets too hot to work outside I'll be sorry we didn't 'play' more!
Speaking of you and your mom play card games? I'm having a Game Night next week and would love for y'all to come. I'll send you a message on Facebook.

Lynn said...

Nice that you are close enough that you can go home at night. YOur photos are quite stunning..good luck thoughts out there for the house closing, keep up the squats I'd admire your tenacity, Sounds like your daughter has done well with her find as well, Happy Mother's Day