Tuesday, May 28, 2013

 it was a perfect day for a picnic...
it wasn't too hot....the wind was good...
most of the time...of course until we sat down to eat...
then it blew like crazy....
 Rooster was so happy to get to go to the lake...
he had to be a little more restricted...
there were lot's of folks and dogs there...
 Hotrod could not wait to get in the water...
I tell you kiddos are tough...
that water was cold....but it didn't slow him down....
 my Mom was enjoying getting caught up with her grandson...
my daughter wasn't able to join us...
we sure missed her and Hatari....
the phone never stops....even on holidays....
so happy I kept my old phone....it is coming in handy...
until my new one comes in...
we had a nice day at the lake...
hotdogs...hamburgers...water melon....
then a nice nap when we got home....
just what we needed....it's gonna be a busy week...
the big move starts....the painters painted....
tonight they will clean....
then moving will begin....
hoping Hotrod adjusts well to the new house....


TexWisGirl said...

glad it is progressing forward for them!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So glad you had a great weekend. To kind of unwind, before the BIG MOVE.

Exciting times! Especially for HotRod.

"Auntie is in a teaching mood today." :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sounds like a fun day at the lake, i had to smile when i saw Rooster hanging with his daddy... he loves his daddy

Linda said...

I love how you have such wonderful family times at the lake. I wish we did stuff like that. Maybe someday! We seem to have so MUCH to do we forget to take the time to BE! You and your family are an inspiration!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Looks and sounds like a great day!
Great spot for a picnic.

Michelle said...

Looks like a great time with your family.

Susan said...

What a fun time you had. Love the pics! It's nice to get together and visit isn't it!