Friday, May 17, 2013

Today I'm joining Random 5 Friday
if you get a chance go by and visit Nancy...she's awesome...
 1.  My best girl friend that I have known since the 8th grade..
is in Italy right now....her husband is in the military....
had to go there for military stuff....
well she got the opportunity to travel with another
military wife....she told me she wished I could have
gone to be her personal wouldn't
that have been fun....she also told me she had packed too
light....she had 5 oz left when they weighed her bag...
darn she could have got one more pair of shoes in there....

2.  My Hotrod loves to paint....he decided he wanted to do a
little body art....of course Oma had to get photos of it...
needless to say a bath was required when he was finished...

3.  We forgot to put the lid on our sand this week...
before the big rain it was full of rain...
we dumped out the water...I put the container on it's
side to drain more...Hotrod decided the sand needed
to be played with....and boy did he...

 4.  I found out this week a young man my son went to school with...had been arrested...he was a teacher at a school...also
a head coach of one of the teams....seems he had relations with
a student...a 17 year old he has wrecked his life...
he has wrecked his wife's life and his two small children's lives...
someone made a comment to me....well the girl was 17...
she should have known better....well I kept my mouth shut...
but I sure wanted to let that person have it....
first of all he is an authority figure....he is an adult...
he is a married man....enough said...
my prayers go out to all involved....
 5.  on a lighter veggie garden is really growing...
the rain storm we had this week didn't damage anything...
all the plants sure did love their nice soak....

 Hope you all have a nice weekend....
My son and DIL have an official closing date....
so you know what we will all be doing soon....


TexWisGirl said...

that little hotrod is just enjoying EVERYTHING muddy and messy today! :)

Maggid said...

What a refreshing blog!
Anyone would be lifted by your little Hotrod -

Happiness abounds.
love & love,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

congratulations on the closing day. i love that tummy shot and the hands shot. you would have been a super photographer in Europe.
that is a sad story often repeated over and over about our teachers. we have had half a dozen in the past year in our area. and you are right, ruined lives, so many.

Karen Lakis said...

Photography in Italy? Heck, yes, that would be awesome! Yikes about the teacher - so many lives affected by that. Looks like the wet sand was a lot of fun!

Jeanie said...

You would have been in photography heaven if you had been able to make that trip to Italy.....maybe some day.
What a tragedy about the teacher.

Leave It To Davis said...

Hubby and I were talking about students and teachers the other day. If the laws of today were in effect when I met my hubby, he could have been arrested for child molestation. I was not a child. I was 16 going on 17 and knew full well what I was doing. He was 23 going on 24.

I had a chemistry teacher who was around the same age as my hubby who dated a girl one year older than I when I was in high school. I was not even frowned upon. They didn't end up married, but they did date. Today, he would have been drug through the dirt for it...and he was a great teacher and a wonderful person.

I agree with you that it was bad that he was married, but really, you never know what goes on in someone's home behind closed doors. I also knew of a guy I went to school with in the late 70's who was married at the time with two little kids....and he was a youth director at a small church. One of the girls in the youth group set her eyes upon him, and she got him to leave his family for her. They are still married to this day. He probably would have gone to jail in the same situation now.

Also, my great-grandmother broke up my great-grandfather and his fiancé. She saw him and set her young eyes on him. He was 24. She was 18. Not a child, but 6 years difference....and they were 90 and 84 before death separated them.

Just saying.

Nancy said...

Painting, sandbox, swimming... what a fun day at Grandma's house!

Have fun moving! :)

Mary said...

Hotrod is awesomely adorable! :) And getting muddy and messy is SO much fun. (At that age, anyway.) If i did it at mine, people would worry about me. lol. Unless i get that way in the garden...

Michelle said...

Hotrod certainly looks as if he enjoyed his time with you:)

nancygrayce said...

Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful to go along to a wonderful place like Italy and take photos!

Hot Rod is quite the artist and you are a fantastic grandma!

It makes me sick and sad every time I hear of a teacher doing the unthinkable! I feel for his family who has to suffer because of his stupidity! I also wonder what s person who does that is thinking. Well, I mean I guess that's obvious, themselves!

Tina Fariss Barbour said...

I agree with you totally about the teacher. It makes me sick.

I don't usually like sticky substances on my hands, but I sure would love to get my hands in that paint and have fun with it! It certainly looks like hotrod did! :-)

Lynn said...

a natsy storm kept me from commenting on some links, so I know rain :-) wonderful body painting and sand shots, he is so CUTE. Teacher student thing not good not good at all- glad rain didn't damage your garden it knocked off of my hubbies prized climbing red rose buds during the night..

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have a nice weekend too! Hotrod sure does have a fun time at your house. Italy....sounds perfect. Yes it would be awesome for you to be with her taking pictures!

Jim said...

Hi Deb ~~ We got some of your rain, the nice part, down here in the Houston area on Thursday.

Little boys love to play in wet dirt and wet sand. Some call it MUD. I see Hot Rod is now exception.

I am sorry to be late in my return comment. Thank you for your nice one. We are in north Lousiana visiting my SIL and hubby.

Cherrie said...

Looks like his car needed a mudd bath lol

Susan said...

Wonderful photos of your little Hotrod. It always amazes me the stupid things that people do. Unfortunately you can't fix stupid! I should know, I've had two husbands who left me for other women. Hmmmm, makes me wonder who the real stupid person is?

Linda said...

I love your Random Friday even though I'm reading it on a Sunday night!
Your five things were random - just like life! Some good, some sad.

Judy said...

And I have some ladybug photos, in amongst the currant photos - see I was thinking of you!!
I love the body art!!!