Monday, May 6, 2013

 Hotrod decided to have a car and boat show....
first he had to clean them all up....

they all needed a good scrubbing....
a good brushing off....

a little drip drying.....

 make sure they are running smoothly....
line them up for inspection....
let the judging begin....
and the winner is....
The Rocket ship boat....
one of Hotrods all time favorite toys...
it's a boat....that also flies like a rocket ship...
(well in his imagination any ways)
Hope you enjoyed our little ....
Car and Boat show....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

loved the show, your first photo is showing as a white box.. i love the waters drops shots... playing in dirt and water was always my thing as a child and HR is blessed that you let him

TexWisGirl said...

that's too cute.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Super fun, for him, and for us! :-)

Cherrie said...

How cute my great newphews like to put on car shows and let use pick our favorites. My little Nicky who is not so little anymore (4 1/2 yrs) all he wants to do at my house is play with my tablet. I am going to be watching him tomorrow so I hope I can get him to do a "Happy Mother's Day" project for his mom.
I love the picture of Hot Rod on the side bar with his sun glasses, looking so cool!

Take care,

barbara l. hale said...

Very cute! Thanks for your visit to my blog. I look forward to following yours!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That was so much fun. I enjoyed the process getting to the boat and car show!