Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Blue bonnets and weekend plans...

most everyone knows...
that the Texas state flower is the blue bonnet...
Texans are not very quiet about our state...
we like to tell everyone that will (or maybe not) listen...
all about Texas....
one of the first thing a baby Texan learns...
is about blue bonnets...
second is the Texas flag...
Texans like to brag about our heat....
our crazy changing weather....
how long it takes to drive across our state....
I don't know if you will find another state...
where the people are so passionate about their state...
 I'm very excited....
we have our cabin booked....our house sitter booked....
Hubby Rooster and I are headed to the lake for the weekend...
just the three of us...our fishing poles and boat in tow...


TexWisGirl said...

the bluebonnets are thick right now. love the heady scent!

happy weekend to you!

TexWisGirl said...

the bluebonnets are thick right now. love the heady scent!

happy weekend to you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

woooo hooo for the weekend... love that first pic and the lake side is not what i think of when i think of Texas, you forgot the STAR

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

when i see TX flowers, like bluebonnets, i think of 'lady bird' johnnson.

Jeanie said...

The bluebonnets are beautiful. I'd much rather be seeing those than the snow I am seeing outside right now. I do, however, have to say that Colorado folks are pretty passionate about our state.

Bev said...


RoeH said...

I love 'em. Wish they would grow here.

Kay said...

Here in SoCal we call those Blue Lupines.

Linda said...

I can't wait!! So glad we all get to go with you!!! Via the blog, of course!

Susan said...

Oh what wonderful pictures. So, so pretty, and that little Hotrod is so darling!

Michelle said...

Do enjoy your time together!

Judy said...

Those flowers are beautiful!!!
Have a good weekend, and get some rest!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

They are so pretty and I love that they are at the river!