Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday tidbits....

 this is the view I see on most of our hikes...
Hubby is always a head of me...
not because I'm slow...
but because I am always snapping photos...
or picking wild flowers....
or well you get the point...
every now and then he will turn to look...
No Honey...the Sasquatch has not got me....
I'm still here....
 Shirley the Squirrely is still here...
she still makes her presence known...
loudly too....
 the sunflowers Hotrod and I planted are growing nicely...
he really enjoys filling up the watering can....
and watering our plants....
 Hotrod is now.....Dr. Hotrod....
he loves giving us check ups.....
The Doc is in he says....
we had a busy Sunday....
Hubby and I went out to breakfast...
going out for breakfast is my favorite...
then we headed to Chambers Nursery...
we got manure...mulch....dried Molasses....
tomato plants...pepper plants...squash plants...
cucumber plants...cantaloupe plants...
strawberry plants per Hotrods request...
that is what he wants to plant in his garden tub...
we got everything planted....
scrubbed off all the manure and dirt....
loaded up Rooster and the fishing stuff...
we headed to the river to fish...
we hiked to another location this time...
only about a mile big rocks to walk on...
only big hills to climb up and down...
we spent the afternoon fishing....
it was a beautiful day....
we were both pooped when we got home...
Rooster too...he spent a lot of time swimming...
Happy Monday everyone....


TexWisGirl said...

glad you got your garden in! like that last reflection shot a lot.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i scrolled through three times trying to pick a favorite. can't do it. love them ALL... DR.Hr ha ha the same thing happens with Bob and me, he is always waiting for me to catchup for the same reasons.

Bev said... the picture of hubby... cute post....

Dolores said...

Sweet picture of your husband in the distance..... you capture the best scenes.
Dr. Hot Rod is a cutie!!!

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

You do get work-outs!

Love that last photo!!! For a lot of reasons. :-)

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I had to laugh, I have a lot of pictures of Mark like that. Dr. Hotrod, I love it! You accomplished so much on Sunday. Your garden sounds yummy.

Janie said...

Sounds like a productive weekend.
Hotrod makes a very cute doc!
I'm always behind on our hikes, too.

Judy said...

I love that fallen log in the water - just gorgeous!!! Husband likes to watch me while I am taking my photos - he thinks it is amusing, in a good way. He thinks I should do more things that make me happy!

Carla said...

Love the Log in water and the reflection.
Cute post